I’m from So Cal and had never seen them, either! Then I got stationed in Austin, TX. They are lovely! The first thing I thought? Disney got it right in the Pirates ride, during the quiet Bayou section. They look just like that!
My yard is FULL of them. I even saw one in the daytime yesterday. I always get so excited when I see the first one of the season. Happy first day of Summer everyone.
Fireflies are not as abundant in my part of Pennsylvania as they used to be. With the declining bat population, I believe they are making a comeback this year however.
bluemoon77: Well, there was the one that disappeared when a gecko on my window ate it, but was visible for almost a minute flashing through the gecko’s translucent skin.
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
Awww!! I have yet to see a lightening bug. We don’t have them in Ca. One more thing on the bucket list.
merbrat over 11 years ago
I’m from So Cal and had never seen them, either! Then I got stationed in Austin, TX. They are lovely! The first thing I thought? Disney got it right in the Pirates ride, during the quiet Bayou section. They look just like that!
Puddleglum2 over 11 years ago
Why wish for something when it’s readily available?
Puddleglum2 over 11 years ago
Are Rose and Jimbo wishing they could get to sleep?
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Like Rose and Jimbo, I really don’t need a wish when I’m with my lover. Fireflies were fun when I was a kid tho’
Happy Cat Premium Member over 11 years ago
I used to see tons of fireflies, but lately they seem to have disappeared. Where did all the fireflies go?
Sharon Hayes over 11 years ago
My yard is FULL of them. I even saw one in the daytime yesterday. I always get so excited when I see the first one of the season. Happy first day of Summer everyone.
Me3000 over 11 years ago
i honestly don’t remember if ive seen fireflies or not
tbritt99 over 11 years ago
Fireflies are not as abundant in my part of Pennsylvania as they used to be. With the declining bat population, I believe they are making a comeback this year however.
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
I’ve only seen fireflies in movies and on TV since we don’t have any in Utah.
hippogriff over 11 years ago
bluemoon77: Well, there was the one that disappeared when a gecko on my window ate it, but was visible for almost a minute flashing through the gecko’s translucent skin.
laisla1315 over 11 years ago
I remember them when I was growing up in a a suburb of Philadelphia, but we called them “lightning bugs” not “firefiles”.
shapmandoo over 11 years ago
The only time I don’t like to see them is when they are dead in my kitchen sink. It makes me sad.