Lisa Benson for June 15, 2013

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    Don Winchester Premium Member about 11 years ago

    So much for “Affordable” health care for everybody…

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    ConserveGov  about 11 years ago

    Only the freeloaders and illegals(soon to be legal) will benefit from this horrendous bill.The rest of us will pay higher insurance premiums, higher taxes and have worse medical care.Good job Dems!

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  3. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  about 11 years ago

    Was that what you were expecting? I am not in the least bit surprised. Disappointed, naturally.

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  4. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member about 11 years ago

    So you’re saying that the Health Care plan that the Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation came up with to counter Clinton’s proposed Single-Payer plan ISN’T workable?That Romneycare doesn’t work?Because the Free Market Economy of Private Health Care Insurance has been increasing rates since LONG before Obama decided to go to law school.

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    greyolddave  about 11 years ago

    No problem. We’ll just go back to the old way where the insurance company dumps people when they get sick. That’s the best way after all.

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    Ottodesu  about 11 years ago

    If I was to nominate one statement that swung your last Presidential Election, it was (from memory):“We are now implementing Governor Romney’s Health Care System nationwide …”The one that Romney was told by his controllers is Bad For Democracy – despite it working out well.Romney looked like a real fool trying to say that he was a competent manager, but that his greatest achievement was a bad idea.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Insurance companies, businesses, and private citizens are already being charged a premium to compensate hospitals and doctors for ER patients who are unable to pay their bills.Another premium is paid as hospitals charge wildly varied prices for the exact same services without providing explanation why costs vary so much. A Congress able to work together in a bipartisan spirit could create a healthcare plan that would benefit all of our neighbors. Failure to create a national healthcare plan will result in prices continuing to rise while too many Americans remain uninsured.People were so afraid of Death Panels back in 2009, yet without preventative medical care, we condemn our fellow Americans to deaths in ER when it is too late to save them from their bad decisions and lack of knowledge on how to care for themselves.Education is the best answer to reducing healthcare, civility is the best way to talk about it.Respectfully,C.

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    cwsprague  about 11 years ago

    A tad racist of you to assume that all illegal aliens are Latinos, wouldn’t you say?

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    cwsprague  about 11 years ago

    I thought it was Sibelius who said no lung transplant for that little girl—when did she get a job with an insurance company?

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    nanellen  about 11 years ago

    Because @DrCanuck, most Americans are like sheep. They can’t think for themselves.

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    ConserveGov  about 11 years ago

    Liberals like to say we should all help the poor, but when it comes to their own household income, they sing another tune.Maybe that’s why the Biden’s gave on average $369 a year for a decade to charity.All talk.

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    lonecat  about 11 years ago

    Pretty hot here today, eh?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 11 years ago

    “The rest of the world had this figured out decades ago. Why can’t Americans ever get things right”Hey, we have the most profitable health care system in the world! Your system is designed to ensure health, ours is designed to ensure wealth.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Correction: the girl was 10, 12 was the cutoff age for receiving lungs from an adult donor.Also, I found that Canadians with cystic fibrosis live about 10 years longer than Americans… interesting.

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  15. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 11 years ago

    So, having good care for a portion of the population is acceptable to you? It’s not acceptable to me.If we look at less subjective measures like infant mortality, the US is behind every other western country. We are even behind Cuba!We have the highest rate of maternal death from pregnancy complications.Our life expectancy is lower, even after we factor for the American obsession with guns & cheeseburgers.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 11 years ago

    “Did I say that??But your solution gives lesser quality care to everyone.”You complained that the WHO report isn’t fair because it measure if healthcare is distributed across the population. Did you not mean that as endorsement of our system which leaves nearly a third of our population out? My solution would not prevent people with the means from buying insurance that is more generous than the national healthcare.Government “fraud, bloat and inefficiency” is a conservative meme. There are a limited number of things the government should do, and the expectation should be that it does those things well. Should we turn defense & infrastructure over to the private sector? Law enforcement? The court system? I look at basic healthcare as part of the right to the pursuit of happiness. I certainly don’t look at it as just another consumer good to be sold at the maximum profit.

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  17. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 11 years ago

    “So you believe there is no “fraud, bloat and inefficiency” in the government? You think it is purely a meme?”The conservative meme is that all government programs are rife with fraud, bloat & inefficiency. Reagan’s sarcastic, “I’m from the government & I’m here to help”, is evidence of this attitude. Amazing how quickly that goes out the window when conservative retirees are protesting Medicare reform or when conservatives need aid after a disaster..“_You may look at healthcare as a right, but until the Supreme Court rules it so, it isn’t.”_That’s true. Too bad our esteemed representatives won’t do something like pass a law for a Single Payer system to test that.“Healthcare needed to be revamped, but the IRS running it will prove to be a HUGE mistake.”This is where you get into repeating things that just aren’t true. The states are in charge of their exchanges, with a base level of what is acceptable coverage set by HHS. The Dept. of Labor will monitor employer provided plans. The IRS will be charged with making sure that people take the credits they are supposed to according to law. The IRS will not have access to your medical records or make decisions on whether you should receive a particular trreatment The IRS also checks mortgage deductions, but they aren’t overseeing the banks.Like you, I see this as a likely bureaucratic mess. That’s one of the reasons why I back Single Payer with provisions for people to opt out for more expansive private coverage if they or their employers choose to pay for it.

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    Dave Ferro  about 11 years ago

    If what I hear is correct, my private insurance will probably double in 2014. Thanks commie scum!

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    Independent Thinker and Voter  about 11 years ago

    Hey Lisa, how bout some more comics about Benghazi? Don’t give up on it!!!!

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