Close to Home by John McPherson for September 21, 2009
September 20, 2009
September 22, 2009
Man: No! I can't handle it when the truck breaks down! I'm losing my mind! I can't breathe! AAAAAAH! Man 2: Burt, you're not doing wonders for our product image right now.
This is a classic panic attack, not depression or anger. I have a Masters in psych.Prozac won’t help,
If the panic is part of PTSD, there are some anti-depressants that could help if the problem is chronic.
Some general practitioners might prescribe tranquillizers, but that would create more problems and it solves since the benzodiazipams are addictive.
coffeeturtle over 15 years ago
this is anger…maybe rage, but not depression.
Someone call the Wambulance!
carmy over 15 years ago
Get the Prozac, STAT!
tigernest1 over 15 years ago
This is a classic panic attack, not depression or anger. I have a Masters in psych.Prozac won’t help, If the panic is part of PTSD, there are some anti-depressants that could help if the problem is chronic. Some general practitioners might prescribe tranquillizers, but that would create more problems and it solves since the benzodiazipams are addictive.
grey2112 over 15 years ago
Where’s a Budweiser truck when you need one?