Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for July 13, 2013

  1. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  over 11 years ago

    Are they trying to compete with Pastis?

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  2. Large first sunday of advent
    Dkram  over 11 years ago

    Tain’t funny Mc Gee..\\//_

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  3. Colclausav
    ColonelClaus  over 11 years ago

    The problem is that he will get off with a plea of temporary insanity. He was stined when he climbed into the machine but since he was stoned, he didn’t know what he was doing and since he didn’t know what he was doing he cannot be held accountable for his actions. Therefore the fault lies with the supervisor who let him operate the machine.

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  4. Sany0002
    danlarios  over 11 years ago

    I wonder what first hand smoke is like?

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  5. Adragon3
    Me3000  over 11 years ago

    i just always wondered why there was a whole store for second hands; I mean don’t you need to change the minute and the hour hand too?

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  6. Rf
    travburg1  over 11 years ago

    Hmmmmm, anti-Christian, are we?

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  7. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  over 11 years ago

    They was some grass smoking at the yard sale.

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  8. Clod2
    AnotherFineMess  almost 3 years ago

    What a stinker.

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