Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 03, 2013

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 11 years ago

    Yes, it is a repeat but the message is still fresh.We want to get out of Afghanistan but we are bogged down by the obvious fact they are simply not ready to take over their own destiny.The only reasonable solution is to withdraw anyway and just continue to launch drone strikes at those who continue to support actions which would kill Americans.(Or extend Reagan’s Star Wars and simply blast them from space with our imaginary laser devices. Everything was imaginary at one time.)

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    Greg Johnston  over 11 years ago

    Proven indeed!

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    avtar123  over 11 years ago

    OMG, the sky’s falling!

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    wdgnas  over 11 years ago

    aliens again

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    Kerovan  over 11 years ago

    Fool me once, shame on you.Fool me twice, shame on me.Fool me always, I’m in Government. - My own addition to the classic quote

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    carlzr  over 11 years ago

    See the movie “The Mouse That Roared” (1959) starring Peter Sellers to see where this plan comes from. Then read the novel by Leonard Wibberly. Much funnier than Trudeau.

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  7. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 11 years ago

    Susan, I was thinking the same thing in regard to shut down of US Embassies this weekend. This strip seems very topical indeed. Then again, trouble in the Mideast never seems to go away…

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    insidious.evils  over 11 years ago

    nice theory….but its a re-run…..

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    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Ahhh…….. nice try, it was the Jihadists that did the damage.

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  10. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 11 years ago

    You can fool most of the people most of the time but the government has been fooling all of the people all the time!

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    Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 11 years ago

    This re-run is still timely.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    Only an idiot like Bush would fall for it!

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    krisjackson01  over 11 years ago

    No, it’s not only Bush. Any time some chicken hawk wraps himself in the flag and dances around chanting, “Support the troops! Your country needs this!” we got us another war.

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    Fetching  over 11 years ago

    As soon as they get tired of funding the zealots in the Middle East, Africa is next. One of the reasons Mugabe stole the election…

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    HeidiTentee  over 11 years ago

    Old news. US no longer cares if consulates or embassies are attacked.

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    tigerchik32  over 11 years ago

    That’s either a really bad joke or you are completely nuts!

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    tigerchik32  over 11 years ago

    A model almost repeated in “Romanov and Juliet” and in real life by the Conch Republic in Fla.

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    DoctorDan  over 11 years ago

    In which of his two books did he say that? I’ve read both, and I don’t recall that line anywhere. Chapter, please. Otherwise I’ll be forced to conclude that, while you may not be racist, you ARE willing to uncritically believe and regurgitate whatever nonsense you hear that supports your preconceptions.

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    McSpook  over 11 years ago

    “go with what gave Hirohito an excuse to surrender.”.And after we launch a nuke attack, what high ground can we claim when they get ahold of a suitcase nuke (or similar “dirty” device) and use it against us?If they nuked us first, we’d have the world on our side and they know it. If we nuke them first, much of the world will hate us, and figure we got what we deserved if it happened to us. And at that point, what would stop them? Indeed, it might give the radicals in a place like Pakistan the desire to provide them with such a bomb.And where would you drop our bomb? There are terrorist cells all over the planet; should we try and nuke every one of them?I’m very glad you aren’t in the government, and that even most of our political and military leaders don’t “think” as you do. The world is a mad enough place without people like you making it madder.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Cheney wants to invest!

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    DoctorDan  over 11 years ago

    And yet you’re here, reading and taking the time to comment almost every day. You must lead a very rich and rewarding life.

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    dalgo  over 11 years ago

    I was hoping this would come round again, it’s one of my all time favourites

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