Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for August 30, 2013
Tyrannosorus Rex is an extinct scarab beetle that lived in the Dominican Republic 20 million years ago- note the spelling! James Harrison of New South Wales, Australia, has donated his rare type of blood 1000 times- it contains an antibody which has saved over 2 million Australian babies from rhesus disease. Food for thought! Spicy Cal brain coconut curry is a popular dish among the Minangkabau people of Indonesia.
mischugenah over 11 years ago
Bravo to James Harrison!
Templo S.U.D. over 11 years ago
T. rex the lizard and T. rex the insect. Wow.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
goweeder over 11 years ago
Spicy cow brain coconut curry………That’s probably why they’re so smart.
gocomicsmember over 11 years ago
The RBION item is not worded as accurately as it should have been. “. . . has donated his . . . blood” would naturally be taken as meaning a donation of full blood rather than a plasma donation, but in his case, it is plasma that he usually donates. One other interesting thing I learned from the Wikipedia article is that it was studies of his blood chemistry that led to the development of RhoGAM.
fixer1967 over 11 years ago
I understand that the beetle is (was) the size of a adult’s hand.
BronyInk almost 11 years ago
I’ve got a long way to go, I’ve only donated eight times.