Are y’all too young to remember the VW commercials where the word “fahrvergnügen” was coined from the German words “fahren”: “to drive”, and “vergnügen”: “enjoyment”. Still doesn’t make any sense but then her strips aren’t supposed to. That’s what makes them fun.
plight about 16 years ago
Especially conversations about beans.
Bill Hinds creator about 16 years ago
I thought fahrvergnügen was a Christmas cookie. Or were you referring to the NFL quarterback, Brett Favrvegnügen?
PurpleVegan about 16 years ago
Are y’all too young to remember the VW commercials where the word “fahrvergnügen” was coined from the German words “fahren”: “to drive”, and “vergnügen”: “enjoyment”. Still doesn’t make any sense but then her strips aren’t supposed to. That’s what makes them fun.
flyingflowerpot about 16 years ago
I’m convinced that Teresa eats a steady diet of psychedelic mushrooms and isn’t sharing.
Digital Frog about 16 years ago
Then there’s the German word for constipation: Fahrfrumpüpen
Beandish about 16 years ago
How would someone get a VW bus in their bloodstream?
flyingflowerpot about 16 years ago
farleftside: are you a writer? You have a fun sense of humor.
6turtle9 almost 4 years ago
Frogapplausegnugen is the word for fecal plumage delight.