The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for August 20, 2013

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  over 11 years ago

    Does she consume a lot of sweets?


    The Pennys are responsible for putting hostess twinkies back in play.

    Good Morning All

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  2. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  over 11 years ago

    Um, no. Only when Iā€™m awake.

    Good morning, Leaky. et al.

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Only when watching TV or talking on the phoneā€¦.. so only 14 hours a day.

    And they get 8 hours sleepā€¦.

    So no sweets for two whole houā€¦.heyā€¦. are those chocolate chip cookies???

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Leaky from yesterdayā€¦..(I didnā€™t get back in timeā€¦)

    Burl actĆŗa como si Ć©l no tiene una cĆ©lula cerebral en su gran cabeza redonda, por que no hay cĆ©lula cerebral en su gran cabeza redonda

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Also, somehow missed your late post from the night before (?), till maybe 12 hours agoā€¦.

    In re this so-called ā€œcamping trip.ā€NO!

    She ā€œadmittedā€ to ME it was the Big House againā€¦. you mean it was a lie?

    Arenā€™t seven ENOUGH?

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  6. Thumb 2ynh65d
    I have toenails on my fingers!  over 11 years ago


    Thatā€™s putting it delicately.
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  7. Thumb 2ynh65d
    I have toenails on my fingers!  over 11 years ago

    Given his head gear the medical tech is either fresh from the shower, straightening his hair, or anxious heā€™ll be late to his job as chaffing dish tender at the Stampede Buffet.

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  8. Img 0562
    loveslife  over 11 years ago

    She forgot to mention cleaning out the dessert buffet, also when Marlene and/or Verla stop by every day for coffee. YUP thatā€™s almost all day. Wait till 9? when do they eat, 8?

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  9. 170
    finale  over 11 years ago

    The only reason theyā€™re there is due to the word ā€œFreeā€. Plus it looks like Burl is gonna make a move on the supply table.

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  10. Missing large
    MaNoah  over 11 years ago

    Gator-Boy style ā€˜Consumeā€™.

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  11. Tvman
    gmforde  over 11 years ago

    High sugar levels donā€™t need sweets to get it there. They probably were at the buffet and decided to get the free checkup, then get the free stuff. I am running out of brain bleach. lol

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  12. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    Iā€™m surprised no one commented on Burlā€™s shirt: ā€œ100% Vegā€ (not vegetarian, but vegetable OIL to fry everything possible)!

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  13. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    Somehow Gunther (over at Luann comic) got hold of one of Joyā€™s GBWOF! They are really spreading! Help!

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  14. Simply4
    MissScarlet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Sorry, but I need to mention that blood sugar canā€™t be measured on your arm. I donā€™t want to think about how he did measure it.

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  15. Missing large
    imnormal  over 11 years ago

    You guys are being harsh on the Pennyā€™s, they often eat sweets just once a day, they start in the morning and it goes until bed time. And that is why they have such a sweet disposition all the time.

    I would say it is a good thing they got hooked on sugar, because it is just one step from alcohol in the body, so things could be much worse.

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  16. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 11 years ago

    While todayā€™s comic is truly funny as is typically the caseā€¦. it is also a somewhat sad reflection on society. In regards to the Pennyā€™s issues with high BP and high glucose, many, many of us in society are in much the same boat because (in my opinion) the oversaturation of our society with too calorie dense, too readily available, foods. I used to be significantly overweight and it took a very long time for me to really think through and realize that much of societyā€™s norms in regards to eating were not helpful for me. I began to change my eating patterns to more whole foods (less calorie dense), and significantly decreased intake of high fat foods and processed (highly calorie dense) foods. It was difficult to do, as the other way of eating was more convenient and easier, but now I have a normal weight, and I actually eat more food in a day than I ever did when I was much heavier.

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  17. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  over 11 years ago

    It would never occur to either of them that dessert isnā€™t a mandatory part of a meal.

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  18. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Back in the 70s, a womanā€™s club I was in helped Huntington Beach with a city wide blood pressure screening. We were at a Tech Co, when this large woman came rushing in. Her Blood Pressure was something like 190/120. the Doc explained that she needed to check in with her doctor like today! She replied that she ā€œdidnā€™t have timeā€ and rushed off again. Left us all speechless.Goes to show, if you are clueless, you havenā€™t a clue. The Pennys will never change and when one of them drops dead, the other will not guess why!

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  19. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Just wait till Doc gets BURLā€™s numbersā€¦.! ! ! !

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  20. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    Iā€™ll be getting results on my blood tests (since 3 months ago) next Monday. My doc is on vacation this week. The only change I made was dropping restrictions on wheat, and deciding to try for even lower fat intake.

    Otherwise, my cholesterol had actually INCREASED as a vegetarian (our bodies create their own) and I am trying to do more frequent slow breathing exercises for my BP. I was usually around 170 to 180 when I started last Feb. It is lower, but not as much as I want (but I will NOT use meds).

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