bravo.see, you can’t do this type of humor on tv or DVD or such.only in comics can word balloons be deceptive as to their origin and create a gag.pardon my stating the obvious
actually this sounds like a conversation at my daughters house. Her husband, God bless him, loves to sleep and would say the same thing as this. Only the names were changed to protect the innocent……lol
Nighthawks Premium Member over 11 years ago
bravo.see, you can’t do this type of humor on tv or DVD or such.only in comics can word balloons be deceptive as to their origin and create a gag.pardon my stating the obvious
jeanie5448 over 11 years ago
actually this sounds like a conversation at my daughters house. Her husband, God bless him, loves to sleep and would say the same thing as this. Only the names were changed to protect the innocent……lol
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
Sorry Sam.