Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for September 15, 2013
Don't forget to say your prayers! Yes'm! Today at Sunday school, I learned to have an attitude of gratitude, God! To not ask for you more all the time! Instead, be thankful for all I have! You have given me so much, God! My aunt, my animals, my friends... My toys, books, my home- and time to spend being thankful for all of these! And I could spend even more time being thankful if there was a freak early snowstorm and school was closed tomorrow!
blunebottle over 11 years ago
Everybody got their priorities. I have to do a lot of driving, so, no snow for me, thanks.
tacobacon.j over 11 years ago
at this time of year wish again
Wiseguy70005 over 11 years ago
If you’re sorry you’ve sinned, then stop sinning. Praying about it is a waste of time and doesn’t mean anything.
katina.cooper over 11 years ago
A summer time snow? Uh, Nancy, you do realize, don’t you, that you will be responsible for the make-up time that you and all the others have to spend next year making up the snow day, while all the other schools are out for summer vacation? Be careful what you ask for. You may regret it later.
marykatie Premium Member over 11 years ago
Thoughtful comment, Susan! I assume you are referring to observing Yom Kippur, which is a particularly holy and mindful occasion. Thanks for sharing it, from one of many people who don’t pray themselves but who appreciate and respect those who do.
brklnbern over 11 years ago
Awfully desperate so early in the school year. Thing she’d wait until at least April to want a freak storm storm.
Tin Can Twidget over 11 years ago
To many of todays commenters:I have no proof that there is or is not a God, but I have my belief. I have no proof that Jewishism, Cathlicism, Atheism, or any other religion is the one and only way. Since none of us have proof, only our own belief, it seems very egotistical to me for anybody to say, “Your way is no good. Only mine will work.”
TheAuldWan over 11 years ago
the leftist ilk are having a field day here today.
ColonelClaus over 11 years ago
Interesting comments today. I didn’t realize that a comic strip could lead to a dialogue on Apologetics.