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Stel, Susan, Bev, you guys have really outdone yourselves. Everything looks terrific and the food and drinks are superb !One thing about Balardeers, we know how to throw a party and we know how to party !Is that a little tear I see in ole Munky’s eye ?
Linguist said, less than a minute ago@beviek I found a Banana Plantation for sale in Ecuador. I’m sure Ling will be happy to work out a schedule with you to ship these luscious fruits to the Tiki to keep you in all the bananas your heart could desire.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You know my little hideaway is right smack in the middle of the Banana Capitol of the World in Machala, Ecuador. Between your banana plantation, and mine, the Tiki will never run out of ‘nanners or rum ! Ecuadoran rum is very good. It’s what we’re using now for the daks.
Hi Stel. Terrific Party ! Did anyone get poor Shik another drink. Poor gal’s flat on her back and with this crowd….I’ll just go ahead and get her another with a super bendy straw.Love your dress, and that hat is something else !
ATTENTION BALLARDEERS ! We have officially set a new GoComics record for Ballard Street. Over 76 comments in less than an hour. Wow ! Munky will be proud of us.
Glad you like the Monkey Cola, Shika…. I told the little monkeys to serve it that way…. still in the bottle, along with a glass of ice…. in case you want to save the bottle.
They’re kinda collectible here on Ballard Street, you know.
No, I’m not mixing alcohol with my meds. LING just put in a dash of his fine Ecquadorian rum in my daiquiri for flavour. This med is enough to knock me out flat on my back. Have a good day GROG.
Well this bird theme is right up my alley. I hope I didn’t spoil anything by posting when I did (I went upstairs for my bath before I hit the enter (but my wishes still fell last night) Hope I did not post too early.
I just now rolled out of bed and hurried down here (still very sleepy). And Susan, I also chose THAT monkey as the cutest. I see that the drink I chose to multiply is the same one as the one with that little guy wearing his tie as a belt.
Anyway, a belated BDay, Munky! Mine is the LAST from yesterday.
Ohhh Mah werd…!!!!!!ummm…. ah dont nose wut tuh say….!!!!???Ah tryd tu chek in at teh yurt lass nite but mah geo-sinkrunis sad alite hook up woodnt hook up… AT ALL…!!!so had ta wate til ah came in to teh TIKI….Ahm speech list ya’ll….!!!!
Finally scolled to the end.Happy Birthday MonkeyThe songs fits.Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday to you,You look like a monkey,ANNNNDDDDD you smell like one too."Don’t let Batpug eat all the cakes.And the cartoon fits today.That is one big Blue Bird of Happiness.
StEL….. ms Bev…. an, an SuSun…!!!!mah tree bestest wimins….!!!ya’ll git Big-O munky hugz…..!!!teh ckes an cards an fud… awl over teh playce…!!!ah gots to take inva tory now…(an purse nelly tahnk each buddy fer teh gif’s tehy brung…!)
BTW – Stel, Susan and Bev, thank you for organizing Munky’s party. Your hard work shows in every delightful detail. One of the best parties ever!! Thanks for the invite!
Hi! Oh good some of you are still here, darn time zones, Happy BDay Munky! Are there any nanner daks left? I know its breakfast time, but bananas are a fruit right? Wow there are a lot of people asleep under the tables out on the patio. You guys outdid yourselves this time….well lets party! Ok, some of you are still half asleep, but we don’t do this all the time (well some of us don’t..hint, hint,) So get up and DANCE!!!
Shirley you are anxious about so many things and the warning signs are starting to show. Second day in a row, same polka dots plus carrying a wash cloth, not good. Relax and go with the moment. This is not like the other costumes. Yes, yes it’s theatrical, but that’s OK. What, a tie to the historical, not so. The cow suit is gone forever. It’s only on those dreamy days when Stan has run out of good things to think about and even then it’s far fetched and out of reach. So relax, this is a good thing. New, daring and adventuresome; even the birds are questioning what comes next. Will it be bird treats, song and dancing or is this posturing a collection of wisdom, patience, calmness and insight? So take a small step back and wait for the magic. Stan you are the man, good to go, what will it be?
Well, as Munky shines on his b-day, I see that some of the comments disappeared since I first appeared this morning – many of which I’m certain contained some awesome pictures. Oh well.
Late to the party. Shika accidentally locked me in the broom closet! But anyway,+++++++++++That Shikka-boom is awlways up to she nanny guns….!!!Thanks enyways!!!
HEY Y’ALL!!!! Drinks are on the house! uh……….. I mean on me! Help yourselves!+++++++++++++++++Carefull ms B… taths how yer blowse got awl messy lass nite…!!!
WOW… I opened this page and re-read most of it an hour or so ago, plus the new comments, but didn’t have time to post….
The invitation was missing but my cake was there…. and Bev’s…. and all or most (hard to say) of the cards….Stel’s Tiki pictures and greetings from WWOI and SCHAABS….
Just refreshed and almost ALL the pictures have disappeared since then!
Hours and hours of work!
And hosted on various sites, not just PhotoBucket!
DRY, I am so sorry I locked you in the closet. Er, what were you doing in there anyway? I thought there was another party going on and tried to shut out the noise.
Strange! I went through all the process of posting most of my links again and now they’ve disappeared (hope Munky sees them from yesterday – and it was difficult to find Birthday song in Calypso style, first one gave me somebody with name of Calypso in a club :-/ I liked the other music tho’.
If GoComics would just TELL us what the new rules are for posting pictures… whether it’s size limitations, frequency, or allowed hosting sites…we could stay within the parameters.
Just to make pictures disappear when members in good standing have devoted so much time, effort and skill to them…that seems cruel.
Yes…. they pay for the bandwidth.But they have a site cos they want visitors, and our birthday parties bring a lot of hits.Even if we’d need to cover their extra costs, so we can post pictures…. which is hard to believe, but who knows…. they could at least give us the option.
If there are users complaining about the pictures… TELL us. And why would people do that….
As long as we keep them to a reasonable size, they can just scroll past.
I’m going to try to get more info in the coming days.
OK…. right now, I need to get to my farmer’s market….. probably won’t get home till the turn.
Monkey… please have a wonderful evening….and once more … HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
You are the best monkey sheriff Ballard Street ever had!
oh my….. uh…. well, sints ah gots ta go to a dinner engagemint wit a certin lady… (dame Edna!! she sed she gonna giv me sump’n…) aint got tyme to find teh missin party favors… ah gotta check out fer now… bat pug will start teh vestigayshun…I luv ya’ll, bestest burtday ah ever HAD…!!!PARTY ON TIKI TROOBADORES!!!!!
I am heartbroken that all the work that went into your party has disappeared. Every single one of my pictures, and most of the ones that others posted have vanished! I am glad that you at least had an opportunity to see most of them before they were vaporized, and that you know how much we all wish you all the best on this special day. And, I suppose that’s the most important thing…that your friends have gathered around to celebrate your birthday with you…no one can take that away!
To all those who put so much love and talent into this celebration, only to have your gifts confiscated…((((((((BIG HUGS))))))Love you all. GOOD NIGHT BALLARDEERS.
I just came back and I’M PI$$ED OFF !!!All that incredible art work, all the hard work, all the creativity that you ladies ( and you too X-Tech ) went into making something special for Munky’s birthday was just arbitrarily taken away ! SHAME ON YOU GOCOMICS…I think that they were jealous that we were having too much fun – unless a certain troll was…nah she’s smart but not that smart.
Just like me to show up when everyone is gone! Well, I am sitting here drinking a bottle of Scotch alone, listening to Hey Jude for Bev and Stel, wishing you the best day Munky-One!
Linguist over 11 years ago
This place is for the birds anyway, It’s nothing to crow about !
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Let’s all ♪ ♫ sing like the birdies sing….♫ ♪…
Happy Birthday Monkey!!
x_Tech over 11 years ago
Roger sure has gone to the birds.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Where is that Monkey, anyway?
Linguist over 11 years ago
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
I’ll break out my secret stash of banana flavored salt water taffy for this occasion.
StelBel over 11 years ago
That is one snazzy birthday card, X !!
(I’m looking forward to learning how…!!)
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Hey, Stel….
Should I bring in the cake now?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Nice card, X!
And pretty impressive present, Bev.,…and a great cake, too.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
NO Stel!
YOUR hat is perfect!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Ooh beer!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Bev those look so good!
Hope you made lots, cos once the Monkey sees them….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Fenton, Sid…. so nice of you to come in and help.
Wanted to invite you as guests…. but we expect an overwhelming crowd for the little monkeys.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Ok…. here comes my cake….
Linguist over 11 years ago
Stel, Susan, Bev, you guys have really outdone yourselves. Everything looks terrific and the food and drinks are superb !One thing about Balardeers, we know how to throw a party and we know how to party !Is that a little tear I see in ole Munky’s eye ?
StelBel over 11 years ago
@Bev and @Susan:
WOW!!! TWO INCREDIBLE CAKES!! What amazing skill you two have!
I can’t imagine having that much patience to put those together!
StelBel over 11 years ago
OK…let’s have some cake!
Oh….we’ve got to wait????
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
Comic comment,That’s going to be me in a couple of years…
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Ooh Bev! How did you know I love onion rings?
Linguist over 11 years ago
Linguist said, less than a minute ago@beviek I found a Banana Plantation for sale in Ecuador. I’m sure Ling will be happy to work out a schedule with you to ship these luscious fruits to the Tiki to keep you in all the bananas your heart could desire.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You know my little hideaway is right smack in the middle of the Banana Capitol of the World in Machala, Ecuador. Between your banana plantation, and mine, the Tiki will never run out of ‘nanners or rum ! Ecuadoran rum is very good. It’s what we’re using now for the daks.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Stel…. I’d feel a little funny cutting it before the Monkey sees it….and there’s SO much other good food here…..
Maybe we could cut into the back after a couple of hours if he hasn’t arrived…. maybe….
The blue part is a 3 layer banana cake, and the Tiki is 4 chocolate layers.It’s a BIG cake.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Bev! I’ll drink to that!
And happy Monkey’s Birthday, everybody!
And Happy Birthday, Monkey, wherever you are right this minute…and hey get IN here!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
No, Happy…. I didn’t see that one.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
Got to work in AM.Got to go to bed.I’ll rejoin the party tomorrow.
Linguist over 11 years ago
Hi Stel. Terrific Party ! Did anyone get poor Shik another drink. Poor gal’s flat on her back and with this crowd….I’ll just go ahead and get her another with a super bendy straw.Love your dress, and that hat is something else !
x_Tech over 11 years ago
Stel, is that girl trying catch glitter in her mouth? I’m not sure that’s XTI’s edible glitter.
Linguist over 11 years ago
ATTENTION BALLARDEERS ! We have officially set a new GoComics record for Ballard Street. Over 76 comments in less than an hour. Wow ! Munky will be proud of us.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Oh, thanks for reminding me, X ….that’s 100% XTI edible glitter on the cake I made.
Remember … XTI glitter — It’s safe and it’s yummyAnd it tickles in your tummy!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Candi…. you have outdone yourself!
Great work!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good night, Bev!
Thanks for the wonderful food!
StelBel over 11 years ago
Good night, Bev…..
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Oh, Stel…. you’re right….Fenton…. Sid….
Could one of you go over to the Pug’s Club table, please?
They reserved a whole table for this party…but we can’t have rowdiness!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Nice photo, Stel…
StelBel over 11 years ago
(good night…see you all later today!)
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good night StelBel…. thanks so much!
pcolli over 11 years ago
Have a great day, Citizen Sheriff and try to enjoy all the munky booze you’ll be plied with.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
I hope the Monkey gets here before Roger and his Bluebird of Happiness posse get too tired to swoop in with their birthday wishes..
Roger’s getting a little old for waiting all night to swoop.
Back when he was courting Marjorie…. well, that was a different story.
x_Tech over 11 years ago
Roger’s flock is most impressed with his red legs.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Can we ply you with a libation, pcolli?
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
x_Tech over 11 years ago
Thank you Susan, but I’ll just have a pint of the dark from this century, if it’s all the same.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Hey, X … I’ll have you know that cola was bottled fresh…. in 2012…
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Sorry I’m late. My meds knocked me right out. Good thing LING knows to go light on the rum for me, or I’d be UNDER the table instead of lying on top.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good morning, Shika!
Have some hors d’oeuvres
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
I was woken up by some pug barking out for some strippers. Gosh, keep it down, will you? I want to hear the rest of the partiers.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Phht! Phht! Whew, lying on my back like this sure (Phht!) makes my mouth sparkle!But they do tickle and taste yummy for my tummy!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Great cakes BEV AND SUSAN!It must have taken you two hours to assemble and bake them.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Shika…. more like two DAYS!!
Glad you like them…. and the glitter…. though!
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
That place could go all Hitchcock any minute now.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
I hope you’re not mixing alcohol with your meds, Shika.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
X…. well, Monkey Cola does contain extracts of 200-year-old Turdmunkistani coca beans …but it was freshly blended… only a year ago…. sheesh….
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
I got to get ready for work, now, but I’ll check in sometime this evening.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
I like all the cards. I wish I could do cards. I am lucky to have CAPS on this iPod.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Great photo of the gang, STEL! There’s me on the corner behind X-TECH. Hi, X!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Golly, the place looks great. I sure hope that MUNKY shows up soon.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Daah strip! A little bird told her she’d find Roger out there.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
HAPPY, you aren’t going to start dressing like Roger now, are you?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Glad you like the Monkey Cola, Shika…. I told the little monkeys to serve it that way…. still in the bottle, along with a glass of ice…. in case you want to save the bottle.
They’re kinda collectible here on Ballard Street, you know.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
No, I’m not mixing alcohol with my meds. LING just put in a dash of his fine Ecquadorian rum in my daiquiri for flavour. This med is enough to knock me out flat on my back. Have a good day GROG.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
The birds have started singing here, but I am getting sleepy again. I’ll return later today.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
G’morning, Grog…. except I probably missed you.
It’s very late here…. I have to go to sleep.Good night Shika…pcolli if you’re still here…Roger, still out back with the bluebirds….and good night X….
See you all later…..
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good night, er, morning BALLARDEERS.Have a great day SHERIF MUNKYBLUZ!!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Thanks for the bottle SUSAN. I’ll keep it for sure. Zzzzzzz
loubarra over 11 years ago
This guy lives in my neighborhood!
Storm F-1/4 over 11 years ago
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Well this bird theme is right up my alley. I hope I didn’t spoil anything by posting when I did (I went upstairs for my bath before I hit the enter (but my wishes still fell last night) Hope I did not post too early.
I just now rolled out of bed and hurried down here (still very sleepy). And Susan, I also chose THAT monkey as the cutest. I see that the drink I chose to multiply is the same one as the one with that little guy wearing his tie as a belt.
Anyway, a belated BDay, Munky! Mine is the LAST from yesterday.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
@Stel, LOVE your hat (and I’d also LOVE to learn the animated text from X)!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
Ohhh Mah werd…!!!!!!ummm…. ah dont nose wut tuh say….!!!!???Ah tryd tu chek in at teh yurt lass nite but mah geo-sinkrunis sad alite hook up woodnt hook up… AT ALL…!!!so had ta wate til ah came in to teh TIKI….Ahm speech list ya’ll….!!!!
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
Finally scolled to the end.Happy Birthday MonkeyThe songs fits.Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday to you,You look like a monkey,ANNNNDDDDD you smell like one too."Don’t let Batpug eat all the cakes.And the cartoon fits today.That is one big Blue Bird of Happiness.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
StEL….. ms Bev…. an, an SuSun…!!!!mah tree bestest wimins….!!!ya’ll git Big-O munky hugz…..!!!teh ckes an cards an fud… awl over teh playce…!!!ah gots to take inva tory now…(an purse nelly tahnk each buddy fer teh gif’s tehy brung…!)
Linguist over 11 years ago
Hope you have a great Natal Remembrance Day Munkey !WHAT A PARTY !!And it’s going to continue all day !
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
STeL…yer glidder invictayshun at teh tern is StELLer..!!! Yer a ardist of teh highist caliper..!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
oh, SteL… dont take off teh hat… its yew awl teh way…!!! Steller!!!
Linda Solomon over 11 years ago
ALL the pictures, greetings, etc. are as fabulous as can be! You guys all rock it intensely!! BS is da bomb!
Linda Solomon over 11 years ago
Hey Stel, I could lend Fenton my Grumpy Cat to handle that table of pugs! Should I send him over?….lol…
Linda Solomon over 11 years ago
BTW – Stel, Susan and Bev, thank you for organizing Munky’s party. Your hard work shows in every delightful detail. One of the best parties ever!! Thanks for the invite!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
Purty flashy card there X…!!!looks lyke neon lites frum teh vegas strip…btw, where are dem strippers enyways…?
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
oh, aan nother think Ms B….that nanner orchard is teh bomb… (oops, can ah say that?)Thank yew SOOOO much…!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
whew…. its gonna take me awl day ta thank ever buddy..>!!!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 11 years ago
Hi! Oh good some of you are still here, darn time zones, Happy BDay Munky! Are there any nanner daks left? I know its breakfast time, but bananas are a fruit right? Wow there are a lot of people asleep under the tables out on the patio. You guys outdid yourselves this time….well lets party! Ok, some of you are still half asleep, but we don’t do this all the time (well some of us don’t..hint, hint,) So get up and DANCE!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
LD yer pics kickin A~~!!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
Rockin Roll RED…!!!!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
Thanks fer teh wishes Dog…!!! How bout some Zappa fer brunch..????Yer choise..!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
SuSun… sari ah missed ya… ahl give yew speshul thanks layder…. sints I’m shur yer behind awl this she nanny guns….
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
(scuse me ,… gotta see a man bout a hrse)
Lefty2 over 11 years ago
Shirley you are anxious about so many things and the warning signs are starting to show. Second day in a row, same polka dots plus carrying a wash cloth, not good. Relax and go with the moment. This is not like the other costumes. Yes, yes it’s theatrical, but that’s OK. What, a tie to the historical, not so. The cow suit is gone forever. It’s only on those dreamy days when Stan has run out of good things to think about and even then it’s far fetched and out of reach. So relax, this is a good thing. New, daring and adventuresome; even the birds are questioning what comes next. Will it be bird treats, song and dancing or is this posturing a collection of wisdom, patience, calmness and insight? So take a small step back and wait for the magic. Stan you are the man, good to go, what will it be?
Lefty2 over 11 years ago
. . . . and here’s to another year of you, Munky!
Logical Duck over 11 years ago
Talk is cheep.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Thanks for finding me Susan or I would still be there! LOL! Any food left?
Thanks for the drinks, bev! (oh, they weren’t just all for me, were they? Oh I’m so sorry! )
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Yes bev, please. Is that cheese cubes, too? Yummy! Don’t worry, I won’t eat all that. Those drinks filled me up!
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Well, as Munky shines on his b-day, I see that some of the comments disappeared since I first appeared this morning – many of which I’m certain contained some awesome pictures. Oh well.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Here’s some party music: Jungle Love
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
Late to the party. Shika accidentally locked me in the broom closet! But anyway,+++++++++++That Shikka-boom is awlways up to she nanny guns….!!!Thanks enyways!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
tahts one big-o porky pine cheezy-frooty-tree!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
HEY Y’ALL!!!! Drinks are on the house! uh……….. I mean on me! Help yourselves!+++++++++++++++++Carefull ms B… taths how yer blowse got awl messy lass nite…!!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Fellow Baby, Yes those pictures were gone when I got here. Who took them down? I wanted to SEE STEL’S HAT, DOG GONE IT!
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Yes, and I missed all the ones that were posted since, Fellow Baby.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
From here, Stel’s beautiful invitation at the beginning is missing too!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
WOW… I opened this page and re-read most of it an hour or so ago, plus the new comments, but didn’t have time to post….
The invitation was missing but my cake was there…. and Bev’s…. and all or most (hard to say) of the cards….Stel’s Tiki pictures and greetings from WWOI and SCHAABS….
Just refreshed and almost ALL the pictures have disappeared since then!
Hours and hours of work!
And hosted on various sites, not just PhotoBucket!
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
When I checked in before I left work, I think there were 174 comments. They’ve been reduced down to 137 when I first got home.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Oh well, set me up with a cold one. Make it a Labatt Blue, please.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
All the photos disappeared since I last posted too. That was about 5 am DST. As opposed to EST.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
DRY, I am so sorry I locked you in the closet. Er, what were you doing in there anyway? I thought there was another party going on and tried to shut out the noise.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Yes, I recall seeing that, among others,bev. But there were some pictures I couldn’t see from the office that I was hoping to see when I got home.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
The comments should be numbered so that we know where we were when we return.
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
That should hold me for a while, bev. I never know who’s working, when except that Fenton is working when I’m sleeping.
A pineapple topped ham steak would sound good with some Dijon mustard.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Strange! I went through all the process of posting most of my links again and now they’ve disappeared (hope Munky sees them from yesterday – and it was difficult to find Birthday song in Calypso style, first one gave me somebody with name of Calypso in a club :-/ I liked the other music tho’.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
We WERE robbed!
I just can’t believe it!
If GoComics would just TELL us what the new rules are for posting pictures… whether it’s size limitations, frequency, or allowed hosting sites…we could stay within the parameters.
Just to make pictures disappear when members in good standing have devoted so much time, effort and skill to them…that seems cruel.
Yes…. they pay for the bandwidth.But they have a site cos they want visitors, and our birthday parties bring a lot of hits.Even if we’d need to cover their extra costs, so we can post pictures…. which is hard to believe, but who knows…. they could at least give us the option.
If there are users complaining about the pictures… TELL us. And why would people do that….
As long as we keep them to a reasonable size, they can just scroll past.
I’m going to try to get more info in the coming days.
OK…. right now, I need to get to my farmer’s market….. probably won’t get home till the turn.
Monkey… please have a wonderful evening….and once more … HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
You are the best monkey sheriff Ballard Street ever had!
…. what?
I’m saving you a special treat.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Darn that GoComics – WTH? I’ll at least find that music again. Try THIS!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 11 years ago
oh my….. uh…. well, sints ah gots ta go to a dinner engagemint wit a certin lady… (dame Edna!! she sed she gonna giv me sump’n…) aint got tyme to find teh missin party favors… ah gotta check out fer now… bat pug will start teh vestigayshun…I luv ya’ll, bestest burtday ah ever HAD…!!!PARTY ON TIKI TROOBADORES!!!!!
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Have fun, Munky.
StelBel over 11 years ago
Dear Sheriff MunkyBluz,
I am heartbroken that all the work that went into your party has disappeared. Every single one of my pictures, and most of the ones that others posted have vanished! I am glad that you at least had an opportunity to see most of them before they were vaporized, and that you know how much we all wish you all the best on this special day. And, I suppose that’s the most important thing…that your friends have gathered around to celebrate your birthday with you…no one can take that away!
Happy Birthday, Sheriff MunkyBluz!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
Have a great time on your dinner date- (Dame Edna? Any relation to…nah!)Happy Birthday dear MUNKY BLUZ !
Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago
To all those who put so much love and talent into this celebration, only to have your gifts confiscated…((((((((BIG HUGS))))))Love you all. GOOD NIGHT BALLARDEERS.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Well I saw the cakes, but I STILL DIDN’T SEE STEL’S HAT! DAG NAB IT!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
Darn. I don’t want everyone elses posting to vanish, so I’m not going to re post mine.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
Early day tomorrow.Night all..
Linguist over 11 years ago
I just came back and I’M PI$$ED OFF !!!All that incredible art work, all the hard work, all the creativity that you ladies ( and you too X-Tech ) went into making something special for Munky’s birthday was just arbitrarily taken away ! SHAME ON YOU GOCOMICS…I think that they were jealous that we were having too much fun – unless a certain troll was…nah she’s smart but not that smart.
RogueSymmetry over 11 years ago
Just like me to show up when everyone is gone! Well, I am sitting here drinking a bottle of Scotch alone, listening to Hey Jude for Bev and Stel, wishing you the best day Munky-One!
Tigressy over 1 year ago
https://cleoandcompany DOT net/august-21-2023/
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 1 year ago
Good morning Balladeers and Tigressy!!