Monty by Jim Meddick for August 31, 2013
In the midst of the depression, signed legislation to aid retirees, widows and fatherless children... Oo! Oo! I know this one! Yes, Mr. Nuttingham?... The socialism insolvency act of 1935!... No. No, not quite. Um... The Communist Impecunious act of 1935? No. It was the Social Security act of 1935. Drat! I knew I was close.
hometownk Premium Member over 11 years ago
Isn’t that when Gone With the Wind came out? Or was it 1934? I believe it was the first movie done in colour.
Ink blot Premium Member over 11 years ago
Your use of crude terms, to label people whose political views differ from your own, diminishes you more than it does your targets.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
You should have waited for a prompt via ear bud from Jarvis, Sedgwick. Repeating terms you picked up from your FDR-hating father simply will not cut it with an East Coast Elite teacher….
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
I’ve always dreamed in color, even when TV was in black and white,,,So There!
Davepostmp over 11 years ago
Then you two could be roomies!
puggles over 11 years ago
It is a derogatory term. Only those in the Tea Party who are unaware of the original connotation use it, and it is, basicallly, “teabag them before they teabag you.” I have no idea why Americans back then thought our country could handle socialism (government support of the masses) without turning into Socialist society. Being dependent upon the government for your survival is never a good idea.
pschearer Premium Member over 11 years ago
So, what part of reduced taxation, limited government, and adherence to the Constitution do you disdain? Tea-Partyers understand America; I don’t think you do.
SukieDC over 11 years ago
My husband attended a school partly built with the WPA and another that was improved with it. Through that part of the nation many of the reservoirs important to farmers were built through that program.
Locally, where we have lived for over 30 years many of the small bridges were WPA construction that had outlasted many newer bridges built in the 1950s and 1960s. Some of the WPA bridges are finally being replaced or shored up and it is interesting seeing how few people know their origin, and how many people who complain about the FDR era innovations, and — in self-contractiion — also complain about the inconvenience of not having those WPA bridges any longer are having to use routes that were the only options before those WPA bridges were built.
pag over 11 years ago
I’ve never understood some Americans’ visceral disdain for anything vaguely socialist, especially considering many of them are also strongly Christians. How can you be against, say, universal healthcare and at the same strongly support a religion that’s most fundamentally about helping the weak and the poor? The bible says “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” when talking about taxes, yet American Christian fundamentalists seem to be among those who complain the most about high taxes. I don’t get it.
krankyman over 11 years ago
Let me guess…pagan is the type of person who sits at home in his government provided house, eating his government provided food, talking on his government provided phone, traveling about with his government provided bus pass, and when he gets a disease from his recreational activities he gets a cure from his government provided health care.
I quite understand why a person who gets so much free stuff from the government can’t fathom why others hate high taxes. After all, high taxes on others and Comrade Obama’s plan to “redistribute” wealth, is the basis of pagan’s existence.
mudkid over 11 years ago
For a minute I thought I was in the Minimum Security letters section.
nitromicro over 11 years ago
I hate it when comic strip forums become a forum for people to vent their political agendas on either side.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
My parents were married in 1935 and dad had a lot to say about FDR. I prefer not to discuss politics, and only care about the economy as I am affected or can take part in affecting it.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good luck on your run for Congress!
braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago
It is striking how comfortable members of the TSE (Tax Somebody Else) party is with being secretly financed.
GeorgeJohnson over 11 years ago
And obviously, idiot radical liberals, think like you do. You just proved it. Wow. Just amazing.
AlexPK85 over 11 years ago
Bottom line is that the current political system fails us. I may be a republican, but it is both parties over the last decade in a half that have put us behind the 8-ball. The wealthy will always be wealthy regardless of who is in power. I work my butt off as a small business owner to provide for my family but yet it gets harder every year….. Sad.
TheBigPickle over 11 years ago
I swear… .much more of Sedgwick and I’m dropping this strip…
Burnout70s over 11 years ago