Panel 1: "I just thought of something." Panel 2: "In every single class, I sit either in front of, behind, or right nest to Gina!" Panel 3: "Must be LOVE!" Panel 4: "Nobody understands my suffering." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
In second grade (hey, remember Sputnik 1, anybody…heh..?)we had a nun who would throw the fruit students left on her desk at scofflaws out in the center of the room….she once arranged for some seats to remain empty, so she said, to provide more open firing lines to particular troublemakers whom she’d already sorted outas potential targets! You could “get away with that”, then! Ohhhh, Sunday Monday Happy Days! Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days! Thursday Friday Happy Days, Blah blah etc. etc. yadda yadda, sheeeeeeesh!!
mdcdjg2008 over 11 years ago
I don’t know why he doesn’t just admit that Gina is the girl for him.
Arsenal rock over 11 years ago
True true
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
All the teachers want revenge on Nate. That’s why teachers seperated Nate and Angie for homeroom
orbenjawell Premium Member over 11 years ago
Must just be part of the incarceration process. Wail! WAIL!!
Mr Buddy over 11 years ago
I have no idea why they always sit next to each other
sbchamp over 11 years ago
“The trubble ah seen…”
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
It’s Karma. lol
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
But I do Nate.
SteveCraft1511 over 11 years ago
orbenjawell Premium Member over 11 years ago
In second grade (hey, remember Sputnik 1, anybody…heh..?)we had a nun who would throw the fruit students left on her desk at scofflaws out in the center of the room….she once arranged for some seats to remain empty, so she said, to provide more open firing lines to particular troublemakers whom she’d already sorted outas potential targets! You could “get away with that”, then! Ohhhh, Sunday Monday Happy Days! Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days! Thursday Friday Happy Days, Blah blah etc. etc. yadda yadda, sheeeeeeesh!!
Marvelmoan1114 over 11 years ago
RySonic over 11 years ago
22 Years in the same seat… I would never be able to handle that.
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
It would be a miracle if this seating chart is a coincidence.
mrfsu7524 about 11 years ago
How do you change your profile picture
HanWoodson over 4 years ago
how stupid
Just nate over 4 years ago
Just nate over 4 years ago
MartyLikeIts1991 about 4 years ago
This comic has a good point. Coincidence or not?