Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for September 22, 2013

  1. Ktf 2 12 2023 1
    Wren Fahel  over 11 years ago

    I don’t normally make commentaries during movies. However, when my husband and I rented “Pearl Harbor” I said that if [some plot bit] happens, then [other plot bits] will happen. I was right, down to specifics. I hate when movies are THAT predictable.

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  2. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 11 years ago

    Knew one a those once…briefly!

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  3. Missing large
    catshade  over 11 years ago

    Pearl Harbor is based on actual events so of course it’s going to be predicable.

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  4. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    That’s the best way to watch a movie (Like Jimbo and Rose) – Quit it when other things are more interesting (even if it’s NOT on tape).

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    dogday Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Had a friend once who had already seen the last installment of the original Star Wars trilogy — you know, the one where everyone was dying to see to find out the truth about Luke Skywalker, his father, etc., etc., — and he rolled the whole thing out as we were waiting in line for tickets. Haven’t really forgiven him yet. Can you tell?

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