Henry Payne for August 15, 2013

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Hey! “W” spent 8 years either out to lunch or on vacation while Cheney did the real running of things. Ask our Iraq and Afghanistan casualties how well that worked.

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    Maybe he and Tiger can be a full-time twosome………

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Hey, it worked with Reagan, was a disaster with W, this could be the tie-breaker, if the guy would just take as many vacations as they did.

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    emptc12  almost 11 years ago

    Institute a Homeopathic Branch of government. (No, it doesn’t mean that!)

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  5. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    “Those who are honest in their support of our troops show it by supporting their mission.”

    And that mission is what exactly?

    I support the troops by demanding that they be removed from wars with no value, no end-point, and no possibility of resolution, and that this happen yesterday at the latest. I appreciate their sacrifice, and hate the fact that this sacrifice is wasted for no earthly reason.

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    phdtogo  almost 11 years ago

    You are always free to create and syndicate your own political cartoon – and also free to read or not read any strip. Any other constructive comments to add?

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    And yet you’re trying to use our troops to support “rightist” talking points — that if you don’t support the mission you’re somehow being disloyal to the troops. That’s nonsense. More, that’s dangerous right-wing nonsense. It’s possible to support the troops without approving of their mission. In fact, with Dubya’s wars, it’s not only possible, it’s necessary.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    P.S.: Does anyone think the President is ever really “on vacation”? He’s never without access to the military and is constantly updated on world situations. Dopes like Payne (excellent name!) forget that Dubya spent far more time than Obama on vaykay.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Gore Bane: my son is one of those disabled retired folks from "W"’s wars, and I know a lot more. The PENTAGON is still screwing them over, the “old hats” who’ve been around forever, but the VA IS trying to help, but blocked in thousands of cases by the military “command”.

    Thousands with PTSD have the military saying it is “personality disorder”, while even military psychiatrists have said it’s PTSD!! Broken and crushed bones, amputations, the military is even trying to say even those aren’t “combat related” so they can screw folks out of rightful payments for retirement and VA benefits.

    As a life member of DAV myself, I fully support our TROOPS, but when their “mission” was put together by lying, profiteering scum like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, et al, I do NOT support the “mission”. Just as my time in Viet Nam taught me we were there on a lie, supported by Republicans and Democrats, but a lie none the less.

    I’m getting a little tired, no, a lot tired, of chickenhawks defending “W” while pointing to our support NOT involving our troops, or a single injury or death in supporting our allies to change some governments in North Africa., Meanwhile, blaming four deaths in Benghazi, that were the fault of the ambassador himself actually, on Obama?? Hundreds of thousands of dead, but a mere four in an intelligence screwup is more important?????

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    ^Speak for yourself Zit. How’s New Hampshire?

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    Newshound41  almost 11 years ago

    At this point in his presidency, Obama has taken 96 vacation days, compared to 349 by Bush. The President who had taken the fewest vacation days at this point in his Presidency was Clinton, but he knew how to have fun while staying at the White House.-http://news.yahoo.com/-obama’s-vacations-and-golfing-by-the-numbers—165241111.html

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  12. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    “I work with veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan every day, and none of them appreciate being used as tools to support leftist talking points. Those who are honest in their support of our troops show it by supporting their mission.”Bullhockey. Veterans are entitled their political beliefs, like everyone else. Many are very angry about their missions in Iraq & Afghanistan. Only a third of recent vets think the wars were worth fighting.Those who are honest about supporting our troops express gratitude for their service, and recognize that they don’t get to choose the “mission”.

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