C’mon ToonMonitor, this is the invasion of IndoChinese vase by stealthweaponeurotransmitter, no? By shellfish! I giraffe-hop (ho!) the ash-veldt carbineer. Give or go, or remain the punting while, mateys.
Kid, I think you mistook a moth for a butterfly. Might want to crack open that biology textbook more often. PS - archy says thanks for not stepping on him
margueritem almost 16 years ago
I’d give him an ‘A’ for his imagination.
coltish1 almost 16 years ago
Film at 11:00.
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
Home and work, two words that should never be combined.
plight almost 16 years ago
C’mon ToonMonitor, this is the invasion of IndoChinese vase by stealthweaponeurotransmitter, no? By shellfish! I giraffe-hop (ho!) the ash-veldt carbineer. Give or go, or remain the punting while, mateys.
BlueRaven almost 16 years ago
Kid, I think you mistook a moth for a butterfly. Might want to crack open that biology textbook more often. PS - archy says thanks for not stepping on him
Keith Messamer almost 16 years ago
Much more credible than the dog.
6turtle9 almost 4 years ago
A burning butterfly? Much is possible with a can of WD-40 and a lighter.