Hey, look out for the- Smack Do we have to hang up this sign again? Hey, it's a bird thing. You wouldn't understand. Caution glass is a solid invisible substance
I’m sure pilsner will learn. Parrots are really smart; in fact, the only birds that regularly fly into my windows (for no reason) are pigeons and doves (basically poultry). Some others will APPROACH the glass and threaten their reflections, but seldom crash (just a territorial thing).
Twinkly lights over 11 years ago
Poor baby!
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Ouch! C’mon, Pilsner! You’re a smart bird; you can learn to beat this “bird thing”!
Proginoskes over 11 years ago
Nope, glass is a liquid; it just takes a long time to flow. (Take a look at old houses, whose windows are wider at the bottom than the top.)
Lektio over 11 years ago
From what I’ve read, you can alert birds to the glass by sticking decals on the windows.
Varnes over 11 years ago
Glass does distort the view over the years, though, I’ve seen windows that make the scenery look like a water color in the rain…
Varnes over 11 years ago
“She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running like a water color in the rain….” My favorite Al Stewart line…
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
and it hurts REAL BAD!
rockngolfer over 11 years ago
The best window decals to keep birds away are in the shape of a hawk..
Kroykali over 11 years ago
He’s been taking lessons from Stupid on Diamond Lil.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
I’m sure pilsner will learn. Parrots are really smart; in fact, the only birds that regularly fly into my windows (for no reason) are pigeons and doves (basically poultry). Some others will APPROACH the glass and threaten their reflections, but seldom crash (just a territorial thing).
fitzage Premium Member over 11 years ago
Moondog has windows that are clean enough to cause confusion? I find that hard to believe.