That warning on the bottom may convince Pastis to back off a little . . . I hear he is contemplating doing some brain surgery on a certain rat.
Sun: Ed declares . . . O deer! It’s OPun season . . . ☻
Loved every pun!
Stick your head where the SunStrange Phenomena Shines.
Quite the punstigator you are, Mr. Allison!
How about ‘I need trephination like a hole in the head’.
May 20, 2016
unnormal over 11 years ago
That warning on the bottom may convince Pastis to back off a little . . . I hear he is contemplating doing some brain surgery on a certain rat.
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 11 years ago
Sun: Ed declares . . . O deer! It’s OPun season . . . ☻
Perkycat over 11 years ago
Loved every pun!
Ambydextrous over 11 years ago
xpurplezebra over 11 years ago
Stick your head where the SunStrange Phenomena Shines.
The Rolling Cat over 11 years ago
Quite the punstigator you are, Mr. Allison!
chris_weaver over 11 years ago
How about ‘I need trephination like a hole in the head’.