Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for September 02, 2013
Rose: I've got day was one big yawn. Pasquale: Are you writing in your journal, Momma? Rose: I would if my life wasn't so boring. Pasquale: You chased a raccoon away from our garbage! The shadowy beast had terrorized our hamlet for the last time...
Linda1259 over 11 years ago
Sigh! I live in an apartment; does anyone know where I can find a raccoon? :-D
Zero-Gabriel over 11 years ago
Or, you could write…“Spotted one of nature’s ninja trying to uncover my family’s background.”
Ray_C over 11 years ago
AND they carry rabies. But their kits are really cute.
Dreamcat over 11 years ago
Raccoons can carry rabies but you would need to be bitten or scratched before getting it. However, they often DO carry canine distemper, and since this particular disease can live on surfaces for about 24 hours, make sure your dogs are vaccinated against it. As far as digging up your lawn, it is more likely skunks digging for grubs and worms. They are prodigious diggers. If you want to avoid most wildlife, don’t make your property a buffet for them. Cover your garbage cans, and don’t feed the cat outdoors. Domestic animals should be kept indoors, especially at night when most wildlife is roaming in search of food. Wildlife Rescue Volunteer – 23 years….and counting.
hippogriff over 11 years ago
Ray C: All mammals are capable of carrying rabies.,Night-Gaunt49: Or Procyon lotor in any language. The brains aren’t the problem, but the lack of an opposable thumb. Any surviving primate would be a better candidate.
kittylover2 over 11 years ago
Ah Creative Writing can change anything into exciting.
Allen Rymer over 11 years ago
The way most people act, I’d say the raccoon’s brain pan size us adequate
Gokie5 over 11 years ago
Raccoons also slaughter chickens. My daughter has lost several this way.My mom had to pay $$ to have someone get the raccoons out of her attic . . .
Gokie5 over 11 years ago
Pasquale and Rose make quite the writing team . . .
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
Oh what’s a little embellishment now and then?