Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for September 22, 2013

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  over 11 years ago

    Terry’s got quite the sense of humor there . . .

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  2. Dscn0420 1
    OldManMountain  over 11 years ago

    “This coffee tastes like mud!”“What do you expect? It was ground this morning!”

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  3. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 11 years ago

    Then why is the classic line in a restaurant “check, please”?

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  4. Spooky
    unca jim  over 11 years ago

    In all my travels, I’ve yet to see a diner waitress wearing a headband or ’net. Cooks, yes, but waitresses, no.

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  5. Missing large
    jollyjack  over 11 years ago

    So instead of a walk in the woods, we get lame lines from an old joke book.

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