Lisa Benson for August 31, 2013

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I spent 15 years in dead-end nowhere jobs. Tired of paycheck to paycheck. I got tired of it. Worked hard. Built up a business from scratch, without Gov’t help, and now a successful busnessman tuning and restoring pianos commanding good pay. There’s a difference between skilled and non skilled work, and getting paid for what you’re worth! But, YOU have to do it! Don’t expect others to carry your load just because you think you deserve it!

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    You are free to tip the workers as much as you want.But, I bet you don’t.

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    greyolddave  almost 11 years ago

    Most of those $7/hr part time workers are on food stamps and other forms of welfare even though they work. Kind of like the uninsured who go to emergency rooms, we pay for them. So you wags get a choice, pay a little more for that Big Mac or continue to pay higher taxes.

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    Whatroughbeast  almost 11 years ago

    That depends on what it did to deserve it.

    I once saw a guy try to smoke a salmon.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    It’s not about skilled vs. unskilled. Have we come to see that kind of work as a punishment for not having education?Lovely!

    It’s about the insane wealth that’s gathered by those corporate empires, how much goes to those paid just to hold board meeting and how much goes to those who actually do the work.

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    jimpallas  almost 11 years ago

    Lisa, you draw good bad think bad.

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    Mneedle  almost 11 years ago

    First, you have to define “livable wage.” Then you will have to recognize that people make choices. If they choose to work in this industry, then they have to accept the pay that the job is worth. If they can make more they would move to the higher paying job. But this is an entry level position. It is not designed to be a career.

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    nanellen  almost 11 years ago

    I would pay 15.00 and then give them 15 hours a week…minus income tax and ss. Our son works construction about 27 hours for 15.00. Company won’t hire full time so no health benefits. He has to work 2 pt jobs to pay bills and now health ins. Other job is 11.00 and he works 25 at that one. At 43, college educated,he is stuck and worried about helping 9 yr old daughter.

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    Mneedle  almost 11 years ago

    If they want higher pay, they should improve their resume^

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    So you libs think employers should ask each applicant if they are a high school or college kid living at their parents house and this is just spending money?OR Mr Applicant, are you trying to support 4 kids and pay for a mortgage on this entry level job?And then break down what each applicant should be paid based on those needs so they will make a “Living Wage”?Then we can all play with unicorns and rainbows?

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    jimguess  almost 11 years ago

    Believe it! There are a lot of US out here who did it without a stitch of government help! We are the ones who PAY to the government so your can sit on your a$$ and collect government money.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    My, aren’t WE crotchety today!.I don’t CARE whether you believe me or not. The ONLY thing I’ve ever used from that bunch is allowances for my vehicle…because it’s LEGAL! Just like everyone else that can. And even if I didn’t use the vehicle allowances, I’d still be doing what I’m doing, and would be doing it well. I never took any loans. I paid for all my initial tools from money I saved up, and paid for more intricate tools from the (GASP) profits that I made.And Gov’t DID not help me. I DID build it myself. I wasn’t working my dead-end job when suddenly Uncle Sam knocked on my door and said, this is your lucky day! We’re MAKING you a businessman today, and here’s ALL the money you need to make it happen.I used a skill I was good at. I built up my clients. I maintain it. Just like the OLD fashioned American Dream!.What’ve you done…besides be a crotchety old person with a stick up thier butt that can only see the worst in things and critisize others?

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    ftldelay  almost 11 years ago

    I read the other day that in many states, welfare recipients are receiving twice as much money as minimum wage workers, so why work? Our government is so screwed up…

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Where did you see that I denied using a vehichle allowance? I paid into the system, so I have a right to expect something in return. I don’t like the people that get something in return without CONTRIBUTING to the coffers. Why do you feel you have to play “gotcha”? People like you just seem to have a hatred for people that aren’t on the gov’t teat. Go back to your Mommy’s basement. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it IS foolish to expect other’s to provide your way.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Yeah, because THESE people DESERVE (ha) $15/hr!. second thought, I think I’ll eat at home tonight…

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    lizmilner Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I don’t understand the contempt for your fellow humans who work physically demanding, low-wage jobs. It is honest labor, and they deserve a living wage for doing it.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago


    I earned my money. I paid my taxes. My taxes pay for upkeep and salaries. So, I did my share. I built that. What can you do besides mock?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    “The people who own the franchises are working on a small profit margin. A wage increase of this scope would force most of them to fire or lay off a lot of their workforce,’Watched a very popular Dairy Queen go out of business when the Minimum wage went up to high. Why? Well the guy only had it open half the year and only highered Teenagers.”Most franchises generate far more profits than you can make by opening your own hamburger stand. Dairy Queen has been out-hustled & out-maneuvered by competitors for a long time. They are finally trying to revamp their image, but a lot of franchisees don’t like it.Dairy Queen Faces Franchisee RevoltwThe guy was open half the year & only employed teenagers… how much time did he actually spend there? If it was “very popular” and well run, he’d still be in business. You’ve said before that he just wasn’t making enough money to make it worth his time.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I appreciate that. For some reason they just want to keep everyone down in the same lowly position. Really…if you go by their insane logic of, “What about the roads, SS, police, fire, etc….then why isn’t EVERYONE rich? They use the same roads as me. They get the same police protection. Etc.” Yet, why do they not partake of the same resources to get where they want to go (or think they deserve to get)?You get what you put into life. And yes, sometimes life isn’t fair. Boo-hoo…My head is high. I don’t let the takers pull me down to their level. All they can do is gripe. Keep it up, THEVIC!

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    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    I worked as a cook in Yellowstone for $90 a month plus room and board, back in ’63. The government offered me the same pay scale in 1966! I preferred the cooking job, as the government one got me shot at for a year!!

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    Justice22  almost 11 years ago

    I wouldn’t eat a Whopper that any of you fixed for me.

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    bgarner  almost 11 years ago

    Since Reagan the burger flippers have seen their real inflation adjusted wages decline by around 20 percent while the people at the top have seen their go up three to four hundred percent. The American economy used to be a rising tide that lifted all boats but not any more.

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