Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for September 08, 2013

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    John M  over 11 years ago

    Reminds me of cartoon Strip Alex – he always lets clients win at Golf

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    TheLuggs  over 11 years ago

    How they change after you tie the knot….

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    Yakety Sax  over 11 years ago

    Uh Oh…………….

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    SackofRabidWeasels  over 11 years ago

    Add another narcissistic Mary Sue to the mix. Beards aren’t supposed to trigger the reason someone needs a beard.

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    katina.cooper  over 11 years ago

    After a while, he will say, “Maybe we should have separate bank accounts”. Either that, or he better practice a lot more on the games.

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    johnzakour Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Just to be clear, Kathy doesn’t win all the time she just wins more often now as she use to on occasion “throw” a game for Roy’s ego.

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    invertedyesterday  over 11 years ago

    @russell5419… right back atcha……Deceit is not a very good trait in a man, but it does seem to be a common one.

    I think it depends on your point of view. …You go, Kathy!

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I’m afraid not Kathy.

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    mycohiba  over 11 years ago

    Next she’ll cut her hair.

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  10. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    I hope she’s just kidding. I’d never do anything lie that to a man. They have very fragile egos. If she was “letting” him win before, she should continue to. I always do my best at any game (and a good man can beat me at most). I never changed anything to be deceptive.

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    loucinda_boltz  over 11 years ago

    She probably quit letting him win at arm wrestling also.

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  12. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago

    They’ll iron it out.

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  13. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 11 years ago

    Poor Roy. He thought he was king when he was just a prince. . On the other hand, Roy has an excuse to play as many hours of video games with Kathy. Practise, practise, practise. Time with Kathy and a chance to improve his game. That’s a Win – Win.

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    Joseph Orr  over 11 years ago

    Why is the cute one sitting outside the couch but looks like she should be on the couch? I’m just sayin.

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  15. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago

    Am I sensing more cheat shots at Kathy’s weight? Because we must, absolutely MUST be judged by outward appearance? And if we don’t measure up, we must be condemned, and it’s open season for wisecracks? Even if we’re only a comic strip character? I’m just sayin.

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    ChrisV  over 11 years ago

    Like Mark Twain said “A woman marries a man hoping he’ll change while a man marries a woman hoping that she won’t.” BTW, I think both Kathy and Carolina are both ‘cute’ but in different ways. I’m just sayin.

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  17. Republic
    TehKnuck  over 11 years ago

    I must be a super nerd, gender roles and implications of deceit aside, all I got out of this was “That TV has World of Warcraft on it. How are they both even playing unless a second rig is set up?”

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