Lisa Benson for September 06, 2013

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Not working. Kerry…

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    They’re for common sense. Are YOU saying Libs are warmongers?

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    Even the Lefties are now rejecting Barry!

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    greyolddave  almost 11 years ago

    This is so confusing. If Kerry had been a dove he would be run out on a rail by the conservatives. But hes being a hawk here, so the conservatives are going to run him out on a rail.

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 11 years ago

    The characterization is wrong. This is not about going to another garden variety war. Its about a limited military strike supporting International law and a deterrent against an abhorrent crime against humanity.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 11 years ago


    Republicans are about me me me? BWA-HAHAHA!!!! The LIBERALS are all about entitlement from cradle to grave government support! The Libs take the money from the producers and give it to the takers and then say here’s my gift to you. And when entitlements give them more in stuff than what they’d earn on minimum wage, then why WOULD they work??? Certainly not for self respect. That’s for sure!

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    TCulberson  almost 11 years ago

    It is a tar baby, it will suck us in deeper and deeper, but since our POTUS had the red line speech, we need to do something or else Iran wont believe us when we say we are serious about their nuke program. Russie sees this as a way to gain political capital in the region. This is a lose-lose-lose proposition. Thanks President Obama.

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    lonecat  almost 11 years ago

    If Obama really wanted to go to war in Syria, he would have done so a couple of years ago. He’s been doing his best not to go to war, and even now he is hoping against hope that a limited strike will be all that is necessary. I think he’s making a mistake to have a military strike at all, but there’s still a distinction to be made, by those who can make distinctions.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    If we were really concerned about Syria under the Assads, we should have done something about HIS DAD!

    We’re way too late in taking any action, but saying Kerry lacks credibility, certainly chooses to ignore the yellow roses of Texas and Wyoming!!

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    tauyen  almost 11 years ago

    Once again Ms. Benson is showing her ‘Blame everything on Obama’ side. In fact it is senators McCain and Graham who have been banging the war drum – and have been doing so for over a year.

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    Captain Colorado  almost 11 years ago

    Kerry plays the music but no one is dancing.

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    lonecat  almost 11 years ago

    How many times do I have to say this? I’m a socialist and I’m opposed to a military strike. And I’m hardly alone on the left.+Here’s what I see — a lot of the right pretends that no one on the left is opposed to a strike. Obviously they are indulging in some fantasy that makes them feel better.+If anyone on the left does support a strike, the right says “See, they are just Obamabots”.But if anyone on the left doesn’t support a strike, then the right says, “See, even the left is against Obama”.Any possibility that people are sincere? And that good people can sincerely disagree? No, I guess that doesn’t fit the playbook.

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  13. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Dr C, you are funnier when you post as NeoCon Man

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