Fang: Come one, Eno! Hurry it up in there! Today's the day we're hitting the gym. Eno: I'm getting ready. Fang: What's there to do to get ready? We were just going to work on curls! Eno: I'm having a little trouble getting the rollers in.
Llewellenbruce over 11 years ago
Another communication breakdown between them.
PICTO over 11 years ago
I wonder what Eno does to get ready to do squats…
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
my eyes!
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Cannot be ‘unseen’
jtviper7 over 11 years ago
Eno’s just getting a head start.
ChessPirate over 11 years ago
Is “Hitting the Gym” anything like “Firing at Will”?
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
I think Eno needs help.
starlilies over 11 years ago
ROFLOL! Eno looks good in curls!
Popeyesforearm over 11 years ago
probably wants a lap dance to work on his abs?