Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for September 15, 2013

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    Llewellenbruce  over 11 years ago

    But they don’t taste quite as good as the old ones.

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  2. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  over 11 years ago

    The American Dream is Dusty Rhodes! LOL

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  3. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  over 11 years ago

    Twinkies were gone?

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    watmiwori  over 11 years ago

    Didn’t stop him taking kazillions in US dollars, for his films, tho’.

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    Davepostmp  over 11 years ago

    Won’t try them. management skimmed millions as bonuses, went bankrupt and now they’re back made by low wage, non-union workers. I cannot support that.

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  6. Ha ha
    Scroogeman  over 11 years ago

    Not in Canada.

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    Sidrat  over 11 years ago

    Would that be Type A Diabetes? I’ve never seen a twinkie thing in the UK although Herses(sp?) chocolate bar is extra-ordinary.

    My American friend once tried a Cadburys Creme Egg and…yeah that didn’t end well, soft nougat(sp?) inside a pretty thick chocolate shell sold mainly/only around Easter time.

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  8. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 11 years ago

    Never missed ’emDing Dong man, myself

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  9. Celtic knot1 th
    UBBM Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I will never eat another one. Screw those union-busting criminals.

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  10. Ziggy
    fgerbil46  over 11 years ago

    I was never a twinkies fan. I preferred the Ding Dongs.

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  11. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 11 years ago

    Hostess was forced by unions to have multiple drivers on a single route and different trucks for bread and pastry deliveries even though the products went to the same store. And that was only the tip of the iceberg in union abuses. I cannot and will not condemn Hostess for what the unions forced them to do. I am glad that the products are back, and being produced and delivered under contracts and conditions that are actually realistic rather than typical union featherbedding.That being said, I don’t like Twinkies and never have.

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    ricrocs  over 11 years ago

    I haven’t ate Twinkies since ‘72. I opened one & stuffed it in my mouth, then I felt things crawling on my hand. I looked & there were black piss ANTS everywhere including my mouth! YUK! Good thing I didn’t chew & swallow. BARF!! .

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 11 years ago

    “The gaining of the weight shall once again persist..”-It never slowed. There are many fattening foods in existence. The food is not the problem, the amount of consumption and of exercise determines whether weight is gained or lost.-For instance, sitting here at a computer uses less energy (for the person, anyway) than walking around would. Sitting here for a short time is harmless, doing it for hours adds up.-Eating a twinkie or twelve per day would do no harm if the exercise used up the energy it gave. Eating the same total calories of any “healthful” food would have the same results.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 11 years ago

    “a company that treated its ordinary staff like crap and tried to get them to give up rights and accept lower wages "-Slavery is illegal. If you don’t like where you are working, quit and find a better job elsewhere or start your own business.

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  15. Butterfly cat
    lynnskay  over 11 years ago

    Where do you see a raccoon? I don’t see it.

    He’s back there…just “Over the Hedge” and off camera.

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    K M  over 11 years ago

    There are rampant reports of outages. Here the problem (for my wife) is Ho-Hos. She was so happy when they returned (Little Debbie Swiss Rolls she found inedible by contrast); she’d go out and get two boxes a week when she could. But then Ho-Hos disappeared from everywhere for about three weeks; drove her nuts. Today after church I came home with eight boxes of Ho-Hos for her after I found them on a shelf in a supermarket. And I’m still getting people at other stores telling me Hostess doesn’t exist anymore, confusing another company licensing the name with the demise of the original. So they’re clueless about the return of Hostess, even though they have Hostess on the shelf — then they try to tell me Ho-Hos aren’t back, debating me when I tell them I’ve bought them at other stores. Then they’re reduced just to saying they can’t get them and they aren’t aware they’re back.

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    K M  over 11 years ago

    In the overarching point, Twinkies have been back for almost two months. The usual lead time for a strip is six weeks. Parker and Co. just slept through this one?

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    kelseyjayne25  over 11 years ago

    this is old news…

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