Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 25, 2013

  1. Mticon
    Meester Tweester  over 11 years ago

    Those eyes…

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    dogday Premium Member over 11 years ago

    OK, OK, so now EVERbody knows…..Senator Kevin and Hunny Bunny are from Chicago. OK, can we move on now???

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  3. Bearhead
    DukeOfURL Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Just have to say – your artwork is magnificent.

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    dzw3030  over 11 years ago

    Big Al doesn’t need political office. He has Global Warming; it’s more profitable and has even less accountability for the schemer.

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    PastStepOne  over 11 years ago

    There was in fact warming on mars up until 1998, the same time warming ended here. The sun has cycles of hotter and cooler. 2 different hot cycles, a short term 11 year cycle, and a longer 200+ year cycle happened at the same time. The warming we saw for several years was entirely predictable and explainable by that factor alone. The planet has been here 4 billion years, there have been many hot and cold cycles long before there were humans. People get way too caught up in the experience they have within their own lifetimes and don’t fully understand the time involved in creating the planet and how things change throughout time. If you think about time the planet has existed as the length of your arm, humans have existed less than the white part of your fingernail. One swipe of a file will take out the entire industrialize time of the planet. To think we could in that time have a significant effect on the planet is the height of arrogance. The planet has been much hotter than it is now, and much colder. Long before anyone ever thought about burning anything. Another ridiculous reason I’ve heard from climate change believers is that somehow a volcano made it so more light was reflected away from the planet so that’s why the cooling has stopped. The same volcanos that spew way more “greenhouse gasses” that we produce. Add that to not taking into account cloud cover in their models, which reflect a lot more light away from the planet, and you see how ridiculous that claim is. These people never think past step one of any problem, which is why the never see the inevitable consequences of their actions.Check the recent research out about global warming that I’m talking about before you dismiss it. last year there was any warming was 1998. There has been cooling since. The models used to predict warming were fatally flawed. And we’ve spent hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars taxing and regulating what wasn’t happening. It has made ALL of us poorer, and put the government deeper in debt. It is all politically motivated by people that don’t like freedom and want more control over your lives. Sure we should be as clean as we can, within economically effective reason. No one wants to live in a landfill, but it has all been vastly overstated. Even if it was done innocently it was flat wrong. There is no consensus in science. You don’t get to vote your opinion. It is true, false or an unproven theory. The kindest thing you could say about man made global warming is that it’s an unproven theory. One with lots of evidence to the contrary that can’t even show observed evidence sine there hasn’t been any warming since 1998 even though the models they all sight to prove warming is happening said it would continue. Global warming looks more like a religion to me, the true believers definitely need faith to believe it in contradiction of all the evidence.Easier to read article about the study:

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    PastStepOne  over 11 years ago

    It comes down to a very simple point. If the climate models used to predict global warming do not match what is happening in real life, THE CLIMATE MODELS ARE WRONG. It’s a simple fact that no reasonable person can argue with. The only way to argue against that statement is with faith. Faith isn’t science.

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    KPOM  over 11 years ago

    Profit, yes, but fraud, no.

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    KPOM  over 11 years ago

    I guess Marvin the Martian must have run a coal-fired power plant back in the days.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 11 years ago

    Carbon dioxide makes up about 400 parts per million of our atmosphere, that is about 4 hundredths of 1 percent. The major “greenhouse gas” in our atmosphere is water vapor. Water vapor is EXTREMELY difficult to model in a computer program, so the climate “scientists” simply IGNORE it. Due to such incompetence, we can simply ignore their hysteria.

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