FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for December 11, 2013

  1. Missing large
    dflak  over 11 years ago

    Re: the second song.

    My brother-in-law was the chess coach at the school in which he taught. He was speaking with some of his team in the vestibule of my sister’s house.

    I had to say it, “Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.”

    My sister said, “How long have you been waiting for that one to come around?”

    “All my life … so far.”

    To which my sister replied, “Do it again and I’m going to have to hurt you.”

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  2. Missing large
    Miba  over 11 years ago

    I used to work at a store. Imagine about 10-12 songs, 3 of which are just the same song by different people, and 8 of which are classic songs reimagined and modernized by the singer. And then put yourself in a 10 hour shift right next to a speaker. You hear the same awful song about 6-8 times a day depending on how good random play is. And now imagine you work 5-6 days a week and the music started in early November. Makes a person hate christmas music.

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  3. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  over 11 years ago

    When you work in a movie theater, the only music you hear are usually from the flatscreen TVs on the wall across from Concessions, the one in the lobby, from the arcade room, and any music from the movies themselves.

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