It’s bad enough that TV and movies show kids how cool it is to disrespect parents (and people in general) but now they get to have it reinforced in comics also?! And people wonder why kids are out of control….
It’s not that they fail to see the humor. It’s that his response should have been less disrespectful. Even a thought bubble with “#%$!” would have been better, without taking away from the humor of the rest.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 11 years ago
Watch your mouth boy
tcmohr over 11 years ago
It’s bad enough that TV and movies show kids how cool it is to disrespect parents (and people in general) but now they get to have it reinforced in comics also?! And people wonder why kids are out of control….
Dani Rice over 11 years ago
I think it’s a hoot. And if you drop the other “tablet” it won’t break.
lisapaloma13 over 11 years ago
It’s not that they fail to see the humor. It’s that his response should have been less disrespectful. Even a thought bubble with “#%$!” would have been better, without taking away from the humor of the rest.
lisapaloma13 over 11 years ago
I thought it was funny, too, but Junior’s response was jarring.
sbchamp over 11 years ago
‘Swallow’ the tablet…
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
It depends on the tone of voice. Words are just words. But we are still not allowed to say “shut up” in our house. Betty is more relaxed I think.
andfor about 11 years ago
Cartoon or not, ya don’t tell your mom to shut up!
bullwinkle1955 about 11 years ago
i’d slap the taste out of his mouth for talking to my mom like that