Those that actually need wouldn’t be covered anyhow. Read the bill folks! Oh, never mind Nancy did that for you……………wait til you really see what is in it!!!!
I’m not saying bpullin is necessarily correct, but are YOU positing that employers haven’t, or won’t make changes in employment or HR policies in advance of the implementation of laws that will affect them?
I’m certainly no expert on Obamacare or your systems, but I believe you have single-payer health care (the government pays all medical costs either through employeeing the doctors/nurses and owning the hospitals, etc.) Obamacare keeps the doctors, etc. in the private sector. Basically it’s like insurance, based I think on the ability to pay premiums. Businesses are required to provide this ‘insurance’ to full-time eployees (29.5 + hours/week) or provide a different one. Individuals are required to pay for their own insurance or opt in for Obamacare…
Steve Bartholomew over 11 years ago
Not if you’re already dead.
Superfrog over 11 years ago
That’s monstrous.
beelzie over 11 years ago
What makes some of you think they’re in the USA?
adm_caine1812 over 11 years ago
Those that actually need wouldn’t be covered anyhow. Read the bill folks! Oh, never mind Nancy did that for you……………wait til you really see what is in it!!!!
StoicLion1973 over 11 years ago
Let the political commentary begin!
trimguy over 11 years ago
TeaBaggers believe if you’re on unemployment or Food Stamps, you’re too lazy to work and deserve to die. 2 Thessalonians 3:10
sbchamp over 11 years ago
“Some assembly required”
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Someone needz a hug
jack fairbanks over 11 years ago
not quite over the hump yet
Digital Frog over 11 years ago
They won’t even cover parts & labor?
beelzie over 11 years ago
I’m not saying bpullin is necessarily correct, but are YOU positing that employers haven’t, or won’t make changes in employment or HR policies in advance of the implementation of laws that will affect them?
Pot meet kettle?
pcolli over 11 years ago
I’ve asked this question before, elsewhere but haven’t received an answer……how does “Obama Care” differ from the UK’s National Health Service?
Squirrelchaser over 11 years ago
I’m certainly no expert on Obamacare or your systems, but I believe you have single-payer health care (the government pays all medical costs either through employeeing the doctors/nurses and owning the hospitals, etc.) Obamacare keeps the doctors, etc. in the private sector. Basically it’s like insurance, based I think on the ability to pay premiums. Businesses are required to provide this ‘insurance’ to full-time eployees (29.5 + hours/week) or provide a different one. Individuals are required to pay for their own insurance or opt in for Obamacare…