Rob Rogers for September 22, 2013

  1. 1006
    sw10mm  almost 11 years ago

    Apparently it makes no difference if the government gets shut down. It’s not doing anything. So why is the left so scared?

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  2. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 11 years ago

    And just how did it end up on blocks…?

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  3. Missing large
    Marty Z  almost 11 years ago

    So what do those on the Right think of the House member Peter King (R-NY) calling Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) a fraud?

    This is relevant to the cartoon, because Cruz wants to shut down the gov’t over Obamacare, and King sees shutting down the gov’t as political suicide.
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  4. Green bird
    colcam  almost 11 years ago

    Does it not give pause to anyone that the cartoonist seems to not understand how “a car on blocks” is positioned? We are supposed to accept his opinion, but he might not understand the real world and how it works?

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