Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 15, 2013

  1. Temple
    locuravamp  over 11 years ago

    SOME day they’re going to have new strips. Maybe.

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    montessoriteacher  over 11 years ago

    Today a new episode of Alpha House is supposed to be released on Amazon Instant Video. Good times.

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    Beleck3  over 11 years ago

    old comcs can be good. hope the new stuff is good. never did like the comics on Faux Noise, kind of like poison. not ever good,. waste of time/life

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 11 years ago

    Long time need for therapysome jobs mess up perfectly good mindswhat would they do a Roland mind?

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    Eggman61  over 11 years ago

    What they really need is de-programming, like what former cult members go through. But de-programming is often coercive while cult membership is technically voluntary. It’s an inconvenient truth that people have the right to be crazy-wrong.

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    Potrzebie  over 11 years ago

    The ACA rollout and government shutdown should have provided GBT with enough material to milk it for six months.

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    kaffekup   over 11 years ago

    I can ignore Faux “News” perfectly well. What bothers me is that it pollutes the minds of too many Americans, who then go on to vote based on misinformation (to be charitable). So it hurts us all.

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    montessoriteacher  over 11 years ago

    Alpha house episodes were great. The first 3 are free. They could never have content like that on broadcast tv.

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    arizonat  over 11 years ago

    AAAAAAAAHHHGGGGI can’t tell the old from the possible new!

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    ceylondiver  over 11 years ago

    Man, I hope Trudeau retires this character. (He’s too close to the real thing).

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