The weekly Saturday night bath was common in Christian industrialized lands in the 19th and early 20th centuries. A half day’s work on Saturday was the norm for factory workers, allowing them some leisure to prepare for the Sunday day of rest. The half day off allowed time for the considerable labor of drawing, carrying, and heating water, filling the bath and then afterward emptying it. To economize, bath water was shared by all family members. Precedence in bath order could lead to contention since the first user enjoyed the cleanest and warmest water. Indoor plumbing became more common in the 20th century and commercial advertising campaigns pushing new bath products began to influence public ideas about cleanliness, promoting the idea of a daily shower or bath
Llewellenbruce over 11 years ago
Who would want to see him naked anyways?
arye uygur over 11 years ago
Unless Bud DRAWS him nude no one will see him that way.
derry1 over 11 years ago
Jeff in his birthday suit from chest up! Very prurient but Victorian:some of the latter dressed piano legs etc to stimulate sinful images… Ha,Ha!
PoodleGroomer over 11 years ago
He needs more bubbles in the tub.
Sherlock Watson over 11 years ago
I for one don’t want to see someone naked who only bathes once a week.
jmcx4 over 11 years ago
The last “Saturday Night Bath” occured 8 years ago…..
brklnbern over 11 years ago
What happened to the Sunday comic from yesterday. There was none.
Number Three over 11 years ago
I’m afraid I would go blind if I saw Jeff’s ‘Family Jewels’
LOL xxx
Number Three over 11 years ago
Many Happy Returns, Shipmate!
derry1 over 11 years ago
The weekly Saturday night bath was common in Christian industrialized lands in the 19th and early 20th centuries. A half day’s work on Saturday was the norm for factory workers, allowing them some leisure to prepare for the Sunday day of rest. The half day off allowed time for the considerable labor of drawing, carrying, and heating water, filling the bath and then afterward emptying it. To economize, bath water was shared by all family members. Precedence in bath order could lead to contention since the first user enjoyed the cleanest and warmest water. Indoor plumbing became more common in the 20th century and commercial advertising campaigns pushing new bath products began to influence public ideas about cleanliness, promoting the idea of a daily shower or bath
derry1 over 11 years ago
I notice Mutt averts his eyes from Jeff’s nakedness…
Linda Solomon over 11 years ago
Quartermain, I hope your birthday is as special as you are Sir!