Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 27, 2013
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE READERS OF THE TOM THE DANCING BUG COMIC STRIP We here at Tom the Dancing Bug, Inc. have found the proliferation of mass shootings to be very troubling. It's repetitive and depressing to keep trying to write and draw comic strips with the right blend of poignancy and outrage to follow each horrifying incident. SO we present this MASS SHOOTING comic strip template, which you can refer to after each tragedy, sparing us the trouble and anguish of creating a new one over and over. PLEASE BE SO KIND AS TO mentally insert the details of each latest shooting where indicated. PANEL ONE, about how the media got things wrong, and/or acted callously. Finding the right tone after a tragedy can be tricky, but the media's always a safe target. [Insert caricature of media personality] [Insert whatever media personality said, exaggerated for comic effect] [Insert logo of offending media organization] PANEL TWO, about the pro-gun lobby's predictably insane reaction, which will always be about arming "good guys" with more guns, and blaming video games. Man: If only every game console in America were replaced with a GLOCK 22 GEN4, these kinds of things would never happen! PANELS THREE AND FOUR, about gun advocates' misreading of the Second Amendment, including an ironic depiction of our Founding Fathers debating the Bill of Rights. Man: Surely our descendants will know that the Second Amendment, like the entire Bill of Rights, must be interpreted wisely! Man: Of course they will! Who would ever say this amendment must allow a [Insert type of person who should not be allowed to buy a gun] to buy some firearm that we in the 18th century could never imagine, like a [Insert type of modern horrific gun/ death machine used]?! Man #2: Hear, hear! Most importantly, PANEL FIVE keeps the tone respectful - mournful yet optimistic - by presenting a somber illustration of the scene of the shootings. AFTER [Insert name of latest gun tragedy], WILL AMERICA FINALLY WAKE UP AND ENACT SANE GUN LAWS? [Insert picture of shooting site] No, it will not. Obviously. So save this template for the next and all future shootings. Thank you for your cooperation.
Linguist over 11 years ago
Brilliantly done, Mr. Bolling ! Irony and satire that will not earn you a place at the table for the next NRA banquet.
wcorvi over 11 years ago
Yes, it is amazing, “If only there’d been MORE guns, ….”
We can never know what would have happened if there’d been MORE guns.
But it’s pretty clear what would have happened if there’d been LESS guns.
King_Shark over 11 years ago
Twinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areA machine gun flying highSpitting bullets in the sky?
ianrey over 11 years ago
The second amendment is not a suicide pact.
timrinaldo over 11 years ago
Nothing about how the vast majority of gun deaths are caused by gang bangers with illegal guns, in connection with the war on drugs? As usual, the actual problem goes undiagnosed and the the statistically insignificant, yet spectacular lunatic outbursts are what we’re interested in. But then again, maybe that’s one of the points he’s making? Or maybe not.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 11 years ago
I don’t like guns, period. I realize there are those who do. OK, same old soap box…. treat them exactly as we do automobiles.Gun must be licensed, registered annuallyGun must be inspected annuallyOwner must carry liability insuranceOwner must be trained, tested, and licensed.If a gun is lost, stolen, or sold, notice must be given.Guns can not have fuzzy dice hanging from the scope.
Ok, I through that last one in to see if you’re paying attention.I know it sounds simplistic, but other than some minor inconvenience and a few bucks, what is the harm?
Camelkev13 over 11 years ago
Read “More Guns Less Crime”. Then you won’t be ignorant about this subject and left to react emotionally instead of rationally.
standad Premium Member over 11 years ago
I suggest a book named “Gun Guys, a Road Trip” by Dan Baum. Looks at both sides. Complicated and terribly politicized. Both sides need to change tactics.
standad Premium Member over 11 years ago
I didn’t choose PRO. That apparently was the default and I didn’t notice.
jopfef over 11 years ago
Well said and drawn!!!
Linguist over 11 years ago
He’d rather sip the NRA Kool-Aid .
Linguist over 11 years ago
Ooops ! That said, I guess my invitation to the NRA banquet and turkey shoot has been cancelled.
pam Miner over 11 years ago
This is a very good mix of irony and truth. this states the obvious, that these tragedies will keep happening, it’s what the media lives for, and they make things worse.
I wish he could have mentioned “false flag” events, but don’t think it would work in this strip.Not saying that I believe in these or not, but some things have looked so fishy.It’s also something the government would censure the media for if they did.
pam Miner over 11 years ago
I realise that I’ve opened up for a whole of big box of guffaws and scorn. I would like to know if anyone has any thoughts. Also I didn’t say I believe, just open to the possibility.
Catherine Spencer-Mills Premium Member over 11 years ago
Robert Pratt over 11 years ago
So you somehow believe the gun laws magically make lawbreakers into law abiding? Even the island of Great Britain cannot keep guns out the hands of criminals and gangs and again, it’s an island!
WileECoyote0001 over 11 years ago
Policies of prohibition do not work. Name one thing that was made illegal that the government was able to stop people from getting. Drugs? Prostitutes? Pornography? Weapons? Nope. The only people who don’t get them are the ones who obey the law. Anyone who really wants something can get it for the right price.
You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.
As for places like the UK and Australia, take a good hard look at their per capita violent crime rates.