Tom Toles for October 07, 2013

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    edward thomas Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    They also ignore the preamble, which states “support the general welfare…”

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    ajnotales  almost 11 years ago

    GOP: Greedy Obstructionist Plutocrats! SOOO tired of this crap!

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    Wow, the government has been slimmed down (Not closed mind you) for a week and listen to the harping and moaning about how it isn’t fair.

    I for one have been weary of the Robin Hood Government for years and FINALLY some Republicans are showing some backbone and saying “No More Freebies” No more freebies at someone elses expense.

    I think what the GOP is doing is Heroic. As long as the government is shut down they aren’t creating more laws to either fleece away the fruits of my labor or make it harder for me to make a living. I hope the Government stays shut down for another week or two at least.

    Without the Government operating at full capacity it will be terribly hard for them to issue: SSDI checks, Welfare Checks, Foodstamps, medicare payments, medicaid payments, keep Obama’s golf course open, etc. etc. etc.

    This shut down has been a long time coming and I, for one, am enjoying it.

    The Government wasn’t just put in place so that selfish takers could reach in the pockets of the producers. It was created so that there would be an environment where the Smart, Creative and Hardworking could succeed. That was the path to success in the past. Now everyone looks up on the hill at somebody that is more successful then themselves and says “It’s not fair that he has so much while I have so little. I could watch him and learn how he does it but that would be hard. So instead I’ll use the thuggery of the Federal Government to take it from him because I deserve it.” Those of you who think the government should be redistributing the earnings of other sicken me.

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  4. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 11 years ago

    Nobody takes the train so don’t worry about it….

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  5. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @motivemagpie – Don’t confuse my contempt for the Robinhood government evisioned by the left for a lack of love for my Country.

    I Love America and the opportuntities it provides. I’m just trying to stop the Democrats from thowing it all away in the name of Socialistic goals like: Fair share, fair pay, equity etc.

    The Federal government has many useful roles to fill in this country: Provide infrastructure, Defense, promote interstate commerce.

    What it shouldn’t be doing is stealing from one group to hand out to political favorites in another group.

    The Republicans are Heros!!!

    Atlas is Shrugging!!!

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  6. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    Omnius is demonstrating what Ayan Rand predicted in Atlas shrugged. That the only way the liberals can make people do what they want is through violence or threats of violence.

    Men who think, and reason and work will always manage to succeed in a difficult situation. Those who can’t or won’t work and think will rely on violence to take what they think is their entitlement.

    Didn’t take long before the liberals suggested using a gun to eliminate a political problem. I think that is very telling.

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    ARodney  almost 11 years ago

    Wow, such denial. The legislature IS in session, and taxpayers are completely screwed. The GOP refuses to negotiate (notice that although Boehner has called for negotiations, he has also firmly ruled out making any concessions on anything), because they can no longer win elections. They can only govern by creating crises, and then wailing “give us everything we want, or the country dies!!!” Good on Obama for resisting the urge to match their anti-American hostage-taking tactics with similar demands of his own, and insisting on regular order and negotiations on the budgets proposed by house and senate.

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  8. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @ARodney – I don’t see the GOP as being anti-American. In fact I see them standing up to a bullying government that givem free reign would take everything from honest tax paying citizens.

    Obama says he won’t negotiate and you think that’s great. The Republicans say they won’t negotitate and you call that anti-American.

    You seem to have a really biased view of what is right and wrong based on partisanship.

    All of these people got elected by their constituents to represent their point of view. Just because you don’t like the ponit of view of some Americans doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to representation.

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  9. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @TheTrustedMechanic – If they are working for minimum wage or just above minimum wage as you suggest – Then I have to ask: What were they doing starting family?

    My wife and I got married in 1990 and started having Children in 1992. But not before we were sure WE could afford to raise those children.

    Over and Over again I hear the liberal media proclaiming the minimum wage has to rise to help people who are raising families.

    They Never should have had a family if they didn’t know how they were going to support that familiy.

    The liberal continue to try to take the onus of responsibility off the citizen and place it squarley on those who are best able to pay. Without the moral hazard of living with your obligations their is no reason to live responsibly.

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    midas welby  almost 11 years ago

    WE are the problem! US. ALL of us! WE, collectively, have lost the ability to discuss rationally what works best for ALL of us. This may indeed be looked back upon as a watershed moment in American politics. Many have hoped for an end to the two party system that has inexorably created a stranglehold in Washington DC; that time seems to be upon us. Three parties are now staring each other down in a childish, and selfish, “show of force”. The NATION will suffer in many ways, the duly elected “representatives” will lose nothing either way. WE have allowed this to happen by voting the way WE do, listening to the mistruths and blatant lies of men and women who place personal power and financial gain above the well being of their COUNTRY. I am quite aware that my perspective isn’t going to change a thing, so go ahead and disparage to your heart’s content. The louder you bleat, the better you prove my premise!

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    woodwork  almost 11 years ago

    Mestopholes: Are you advocating involuntary sterilization or perhaps some form of eugenics, or some other form of social Darwinism? You don’t sound like a very nice person, to me.

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  12. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @furnituremaker – No, not at all. I’m suggesting that they act responsibly and hold off on starting a family until they sufficiently financially secure to be able to afford the obligations that family puts on then.

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    woodwork  almost 11 years ago

    and how can they do that if their wages/income is barely enough to survive on? Still sounds like soocial darwanism to me

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  14. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @Radish – So do I. I’m not an imperialist. I would like to see the Federal goverment get out of the business of exporting democracy to countries that don’t want it. So good for you.

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  15. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @tedsini – Abstinence is free. It never ceases to amaze me how many obstacles liberals will put up to show how hard it is to be a responsible adult.

    And yet many of us manage it every day. We go to work, pay our taxes, buy insurance against crisis, save some of what we make for a rainy day, raise our children to be the next generation of citizens.

    I don’t know anyone, personally, who hasn’t had obstacles in their life. The difference between the winners and the losers is that winners figure out a way to overcome those obstacles and losers sit their and whine that life hasn’t been fair.

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  16. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @Radish – That train system like many in the US today was a privately owned entity. There was nothing Socialist about Dagney’s train.

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  17. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @Marcus Welby – Actually I’m doing what it takes to find my solution to the current governmant problem. I’m supporting the Republicans who are saying no more.

    And I’m encouraging others to support them as well.

    I don’t consider it whining to lay out the problem as I see it. I consider it whining when all people do is complain and not try to fix the problem.

    I am actively promoting solutions to a problem.

    Not as much as a conundrum as you might think. But when it doesn’t sound like the words you want to hear and you drown it out with finger pointing I guess to you it sounds like whining.

    We have two different economies tooday. There is a fairly successful (though not as great as it was 10 years ago) economy for those who think, work and create. There is a much less rosy economy who expect others to think work and create for them.

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    midas welby  almost 11 years ago

    @mephisto, “But when it doesn’t sound like the words you want to hear and you drown it out with finger pointing I guess to you it sounds like whining”. Interesting how easy that was, isn’t it? Solutions in your world solve nothing at all in the world of many others. There just isn’t middle ground any more. Sad!

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  19. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @Radish – Being part of the majority doesn’t necessarily make you sensible. It just means you have more people who agree with your ideas.

    Most of the Catholic church believed that the sun revolved around the earth. That didn’t make it sensible – it just enjoyed the priviledge of mass belief.

    I too want to get on with my business unfettered by the unreasonable demands of the majority that I give up the fruits of my labor for the benefit of someone who not only doesn’t value what I value but feels entitled to it because they think they didn’t get a fair shake.

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  20. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @Ahab – You sound just like Karl Marx. He, too, thought that we could support the proletariate if we just harnessed the capital of the bourgeois.

    It didn’t work for Russia and it certainly won’t work here in the US. And it is most certainly NOT morally superior to Capitalism. It is theft pure and simple.

    It is the mass taking from the owners because they feel entitled.

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    hippogriff  almost 11 years ago

    Respectful Troll: Your long reputation for accuracy just took a bruise. It was Prince (later King) John, the only, who fought Robin Hood. While there had been several Prince Charles in Scotland, there wasn’t in England until King Charles IV became King Charles I of England following Queen Elizabeth I.

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  22. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 11 years ago

    @ahab it worked great in the US for 200 years but the new deal started the decline of personal responsibility and ushered in the era of theft by vote. The Roosevelt democrats bought votes for their party by looting the productive to butter up the envious and the weak minded. Pretty soon we had wholesale entitlement programs.

    What’s so American about that.?

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  23. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 11 years ago

    Or, for the “Metro”

    More governmentNo passengers

    No passengersMass subsidy

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    edward thomas Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I wonder how many of the “irresponsible” have children because their religious leaders say contraception is SIN! The Bible says GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY, DAMMIT!

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    edward thomas Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Maybe you should read “The Wal-Mart Effect.” Then you’d see how much that company (ONE FAMILY) is costing ALL of us!

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