We apologize again for what appears to be tiny lettering. At the size that comic strips appeared in the early 20th century, it was fine. They were printed much larger.
Bald Gandalf? Gandalf hadn’t been written yet, And he has a hooked nose, and no glasses. That’s just Roy, making sure the storm has passed before entering the room.
Bo Brace sounds like he was pretty full of himself. Did he give any credit at all to Hem and Barney? Doesn’t sound like it. …I hope you guys are better people than Bo appears to have been. Karma will get you in the end, even if it’s of your own making. I hope he learned something in his later years.…I have to say that I do like Ed’s portrayal in this strip. Love the hair.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago
We apologize again for what appears to be tiny lettering. At the size that comic strips appeared in the early 20th century, it was fine. They were printed much larger.
Emmett Wayne over 11 years ago
Yes, but if you click on the strip it maginifies up right nicely.
greenlynn Premium Member over 11 years ago
I really enjoy the way this captures the style of 20s animation.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago
Bald Gandalf? Gandalf hadn’t been written yet, And he has a hooked nose, and no glasses. That’s just Roy, making sure the storm has passed before entering the room.
invertedyesterday over 11 years ago
Bo Brace sounds like he was pretty full of himself. Did he give any credit at all to Hem and Barney? Doesn’t sound like it. …I hope you guys are better people than Bo appears to have been. Karma will get you in the end, even if it’s of your own making. I hope he learned something in his later years.…I have to say that I do like Ed’s portrayal in this strip. Love the hair.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Just the magnifier worked well enough for me (surprising not to need more at my age).
Rod Gonzalez over 11 years ago
Is it me, or do Sal and Ed look somewhat like Mutt and Jeff?
No New Wars about 2 years ago
I take it there are no extant copies of the animation? :-(