Drabble by Kevin Fagan for November 05, 2013

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    2252895  over 11 years ago

    AMEN to that. And stop lying.

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    curmudgeon68  over 11 years ago

    Never gonna happen. Just “Do as I say, not as I do.”

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  3. Eagle globe anchor
    johnt204  over 11 years ago

    If only the media would post the important information.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 11 years ago

    But if they posted the important information, they wouldn’t get the ratings. Everyone is too interested in that sad excuse for a family the kar*^%$, .I was watching Bill Moyers on PBS but it gets too depressing because nothing changes.

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    alondra  over 11 years ago

    Face it, all politicians are liars. It goes with the office. You can’t trust either party to tell the truth. They’re in it for the power. Period.

    As for posting the calories, that’s a good thing. It will cause many to stop and think before they order that double cheeseburger and fries and opt for a salad instead. I don’t believe there should be laws to FORBID a person from having something unhealthy, but letting them choose based on the facts.

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  6. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    That’s an idea, if they each had to wear a badge for every lobbyist from whom they received a “donation”. Large badge, it would be a stab at the truth.

    Then again, I’ve said back from the time that teleconferencing began, they should close down DC entirely and all remain in home office where they can hear from constituents.

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  7. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    I forgot to mention, it would at least make it more difficult for lobbyists (or even the president) to do a lot of arm twisting at once.Enough politics! I just hope they don’t change anything so drastically that I lose the little I’ve saved for my last 1/4 century.

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    echoraven  over 11 years ago

    “Or when they start wearing Nascar jumpsuits of who “donated” to them during speeches!”.Brilliant!

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    TimTheScooper Premium Member over 11 years ago

    You can tell they’re lying when their lips move.

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    hippogriff  over 11 years ago

    During recess, Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn would go home and, weather permitting, sit on his front porch. This was a signal for anyone to stop and talk politics. His front porch was 50’ from US Hwy 82. Can you imagine the Secret Service permitting such a thing now?

    The most common comment on tours of his house is, “My grandmother had one of those.” One of the most powerful men in the country, when he died, he left his house, a family farm, $25,000 in the bank, and a car the House of Representatives gave him when he broke Henry Clay’s record for longest serving Speaker. He was the last Speaker not to become a millionaire in office (or, if already one, a multimillionaire). “There were giants in those days.”

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    jcm1655  over 11 years ago

    Libs won’t let that happen.

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