Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 30, 2013
Alice: My Grandma's giant dog Big Shirley didn't bother me at Thanksgiving! Beni: If there's a Big Shirley, was there ever a Small Shirley? Alice: Petey's theory is that there were originally twelve Small Shirley's but, because of a nuclear accident, they all combined to form one Big Shirley. Alice: Because this is Petey's theory, I believe it unquestioningly. Beni: Ask him if this is also how adults are formed.
Linux0s about 11 years ago
We’ll need 11 more Petey’s stat!
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Alice’s unshakeable trust in her big brother is touching…. Dill’s question is therefore entirely legitimate.
cdward about 11 years ago
I believe Pacopuddy was referring to Petey’s theory as described in panel 2.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Quite right. I attribute my error to a late night lapse at the keyboard.