GODFREY: Nate, your stomach noises are disturbing the class!
NATE: I can't help it! I'm hungry!
GODFREY: Well, then the solution to your problem is obvious.
NATE: You're right!
GODFREY: The solution is something before class.
NATE: Got any salt?
Templo S.U.D. about 11 years ago
How can someone run that fast to/from the cafeteria and classroom on an empty stomach?
SuperDavid about 11 years ago
That actually explains Mrs. Godfrey
Flashbutter about 11 years ago
Can you really put salt on a chicken leg?
Mr Buddy about 11 years ago
I have read a VERY simular strip mr pierce!
Potrzebie about 11 years ago
Just pack him a granola bar.
legoboye about 11 years ago
Yep. Mr. Peirce, get some new jokes. Make them funny this time, please.
ChessPirate about 11 years ago
Her “solution” would only work if Nate could travel back in time!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 11 years ago
This teacher is one work of art. If I were a parent with free time, her class would definitely be one I monitored.
Big Nate LOVER about 11 years ago
thank you Lincoln pierce for making these comics i enjoy them and it must be hard work thinking of something funny everyday
Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago
Looks like it’s detention Nate.
Dr. Midnight about 11 years ago
I don’t understand why people think it’s OK to come on these forums and be so rude, especially when you know that Mr. Peirce is kind enough to come and respond to your comments.
First of all, everyone knows that the strips are done about six months in advance, so there’s no way Mr. Peirce could be ripping off any strip you saw recently.
But putting that aside, people think of similar ideas ALL THE TIME and that doesn’t mean they’re stealing from each other. Two people can come up with the same idea independently!
Finally, Big Nate is one of the most consistently funny comics around these days. If you’re not entertained by it, then why are you hanging around?
OK, I do apologize to everyone for the rant. This one just really got under my skin.
orbenjawell Premium Member about 11 years ago
Teddy’s head in panel 2: Hy-lahrrrrr-ee-oose!!
folklegendredux about 11 years ago
I’m putting a hit out on Godfrey.
byamrcn about 11 years ago
What do you want to bet she does have salt?
RySonic about 11 years ago
This comic is almost exactly the same as one from a few years ago…
Pinkboss27 about 11 years ago
I do not think turkey legs go very good with salt
LOAFY about 4 years ago
Before class, unless this is either first period or right after lunch, would mean eating in the hallways, which is also against the rules. Sometimes ya just can’t win I guess.
I am a fan of big Nate 13 days ago
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