Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for November 10, 2013
Satchel Pooch: What'cha writing? Bucky Katt: I've put on my scientist hat. This is a history of all life. Rob Wilco: You mean evolution? Bucky Katt: No, not evil-ution! If you call my ancestors monkeys again. I'll hit you with so many objects you'll think you're a Taiwanese Politician! You'll go down faster than a portuguese soccer player on an ice rink! I'm just closing up some of the loopholes in intelligent design. Satchel Pooch: What loopholes? Bucky Katt: Uh... Hello? monkeys? weaslels? Rats? Democrats? No one would knowingly create those things. Lemme tell ya something: The only monkeys in my past are in casts now. Satchel Pooch: To be honest, you don't talk like a scientist. Rob Wilco: I'm gonna call your theory UN-intelligent design.
wetidlerjr over 11 years ago
russell5419 said, “@NabuquduriuzhurEvolution is religion,,,lol…two science and two engineering degrees, ok and I’ve got some nice ocean front property in Montana for sale,,,cheap…LOL.”
I have similar property in Indiana I can let him have. Also, no magic in the Bible (yeah, right!). :)
bignatefan over 11 years ago
@Bill Tidler: You made it to at least the second sentence. Nabuquduriuzhur lost me at “Evolution is religion.”
jbmlaw01 over 11 years ago
I thought the strip was funny.
Varnes over 11 years ago
What are you on, Nab?
halibaitor over 11 years ago
Hey, I’m from Montana… If you got any of that property left, I would like some. ;-)
jimcos over 11 years ago
Neither side can unequivocally prove their position. Therefore both opinions are faith-based. Some have faith in God, some have faith in the lack of a god. It is a personal decision, but obviously a lot of people are going to be surprised on the other side. Personally I believe in God. Otherwise, how could the elements that needed to be in place for the big bang to have happened gotten there???
pathfinder over 11 years ago
Just like you can find something in the bible to support ANY proposition you care to put forward, it is possible to find (or buy) a scientific opinion on either side of that same propostion. As long as there is politics involved, I don’t want to hear the arguments. TYVM for listening to my rant.
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
I swim there all the time…also Love thier desert.
kathyabk over 11 years ago
I am just ROTFL!!!
ladamson1918 over 11 years ago
Evolution is not faith-based. This reminds me of a great youtube video of a “scientist” who explains—and he really is serious—that dinosaurs went extinct because they started breathing so fast that they set their nostrils on fire.It’s easy to call yourself a scientist, and it’s also very easy to buy assorted degrees from online diploma mills. I know at least two people who have done just that, and I have suspicions about a couple more.If anyone wants to hear more Creationists explaining how the world works, look for youtube videos with excerpts from the Atheist Experience. There are people who make Bucky Katt sound like Bucky Fuller.
bgby4884 over 11 years ago
Shame that people are so terrified by the thought that they might not be the center of the universe!
Robert Allen over 11 years ago
2008 strip.
MrsSnape over 11 years ago
“Intelligent Design” is an oxymoron. “Unintelligent Design” is a much better name for that nonsense.
Nelly55 over 11 years ago
“Intelligent Design”…………brought to you by the men who wrote the BuyBull
K M over 11 years ago
Have to agree with Bucky’s assessment of Democrats.
smollett over 11 years ago
Bucky is a genius who sees things correctly.
jimmeh over 11 years ago
I don’t know how smart it is to believe that all of this complexity happend BY CHANCE. THAT takes faith…and faith in something extremely improbable.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 11 years ago
Vote GOP! Bucky Catt in 2016!
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 11 years ago
Vote GOP! Bucky Catt in 2016!
arbyrb over 11 years ago
Interestingly, they recently found a fossil platypus ancestor, the first one found. I’m guessing the platypus came from that, or from close kin to that. If the first creature to appear on earth were a fully formed platypus, you might have a point. As it is, you don’t. That’s one of basic the ideas behind evolution, you can trace that unbroken line back and back and back..And yeah, mammals do lay eggs, very primitive mammals, like the platypus, say.
arbyrb over 11 years ago
Anyone interested may want to look at the wiki page for “monotremes”, the egg-laying mammals.
Ushindi over 11 years ago
Nab (also known by his real name of William Hunt) has an interesting view of himself – his bio (printed in Amazon for his book “Global Warming Challenged” as follows:“Mr. Hunt is a naturalist and scientist who has earned four degrees in the biological, geological and engineering sciences and has worked in such divers fields as materials engineering and endangered species work.* He has lived and worked in Oregon and northern California and is a native of Oregon. Mr. Hunt is interested in everything with an extraordinary memory for details. He reads everything from archaeology to history to zoology and has studied four languages. He writes non-fiction and fiction. He mastered basic relativity as a preteen, calculated and drew up star maps in high school, went into engineering and eventually natural resources when the economy contracted in the mid 1990s. Mr. Hunt has had an overwhelming passion for fact, something more and more frequently ignored in the media and popular culture as the years have progressed. When he’s had time, he has painted, drawn and illustrated. His hobbies are day trips, hiking, photography, and writing. He does a lot of volunteer work. He was born again at 11, is a practicing Christian, and writes Christian fiction as well as science fiction and non-fiction. To give a better idea of his qualifications to write a book such as Global Warming, Challenged, using U.S. Office of Personnel guidelines, he is rated as qualified to professional in 19 science and engineering specialties. *M.S. Environmental Education (Conservation Biology), Southern Oregon U, 1999 B.S. Geology, Southern Oregon University, 1999 B.S. Civil Engineering Technology, Oregon Institute of Technology, 1992 A.S. General Engineering Technology, COCC, 1990 National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration- National Marine Fisheries Service U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Forest Service etc.”You DO believe he “mastered Basic Relativity as a preteen”, don’t you?Check the reviews for his book at Amazon. Funny.
BloomCo over 11 years ago
The is definitely no intelligence in the design of Democrats.