Using your Pay Pal account sort of defeats the anonymity of the mask, doesn’t it?
And I just read about the old geezer bandit in San Diego
Is this why my Paypal account has a max of $400 per transaction? (-:
Jeff Stahler
February 19, 2017
May 10, 2018
May 26, 2018
August 23, 2017
September 24, 2017
September 30, 2017
stlmaddog5 over 11 years ago
Using your Pay Pal account sort of defeats the anonymity of the mask, doesn’t it?
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 11 years ago
And I just read about the old geezer bandit in San Diego
sky4forums over 11 years ago
Is this why my Paypal account has a max of $400 per transaction? (-: