The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for November 05, 2013

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    2252895  over 11 years ago

    I had a good childhood. I was allowed to be a playaholic. I even survived a lot of bumps, bruises and cuts.

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  2. Tzarevna
    Harry Grapjas  over 11 years ago

    Should we start a discussion on how much pressure there is on kids nowadays to continuously succeed in tests instead of being allowed to be kids and discover the world by just playing?

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    planostanton  over 11 years ago

    I loved being a kid 40 years ago. No pressure except to get home by dinner time. I’d hate to be a kid today. No time to play or discover the world except for the portion they tell you about in their school books. Now they don’t get to play till they’re old and grey…if then!

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    angelfiredragon  over 11 years ago

    Workaholic is a serious addiction, society in general doesn’t think it is all that bad, but it is…people who are addicted to work is just as bad as any other addiction, it is destructive to their life.

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