I like that joke for its secret meaning:1) it’s just a wishful thinking that a drunkard would be sober;2) and if he indeed would manage to be sober at some time, he maybe would disagree with his statement from when he was drunk.
Same reason why I love the “dad, I want the car” – “and what do you have two legs for??” – “one for brake, one for gas”. Not sure if it is different for automatic, but our family car is manual, so I would ban anybody from using that car after such a statement until they have repeated all driving school. ;)
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 11 years ago
If I spend $100,000 I could look like Justin Bieber; and I’ll still be crazy..
paha_siga over 11 years ago
I like that joke for its secret meaning:1) it’s just a wishful thinking that a drunkard would be sober;2) and if he indeed would manage to be sober at some time, he maybe would disagree with his statement from when he was drunk.
Same reason why I love the “dad, I want the car” – “and what do you have two legs for??” – “one for brake, one for gas”. Not sure if it is different for automatic, but our family car is manual, so I would ban anybody from using that car after such a statement until they have repeated all driving school. ;)
sbchamp about 11 years ago
“Ya can’t fix stupid,”
ChessPirate about 11 years ago
Pot. Kettle. Black.