I hope they are taking coats, they look like they will freeze! And i can just see Burl with Joy in tow, pushing and shoving their way down the plane aisle. One could only hope someone will plant themselves in the aisle and not let them pass! I volunteer!
3)don’t let it get tipped over in baggage claim? When pigs, er, FLY!!
4)waitin’ in a loaded cabin whilst other folks unload, worse than struggling through b.c, looking for your stuff to maybeshow up??
Hey, wait, that IS better! I’m getting a vibe from this strips’commentators that Burl & Joy maybe…sorta smell not good.Less time in the cabin, more merciful for the other passengers?
(hey, picture yourself cooped up in there with them for a considerable stretch)
I was flying to St Louis and asked that one bag be checked through to New York and the other to San Francisco. The attendant told me they could not do that and I said the heck you can’t, you did it last week.
leakysqueaky712 about 11 years ago
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
leakysqueaky712 about 11 years ago
Susan, got your message earlier today.
I Was at the Coast for the week. Had a great time. :-))
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago
I hope they are taking coats, they look like they will freeze! And i can just see Burl with Joy in tow, pushing and shoving their way down the plane aisle. One could only hope someone will plant themselves in the aisle and not let them pass! I volunteer!
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 11 years ago
If they’re gonna be on your flight, better hope nobody convinces them that they’re being stupid.
Sure, it takes way longer to wait at baggage claim, instead of using carry-ons.
But hey… it gets them off the plane.
And by that point, everybody just wants them off the plane. Yesterday if not before.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 11 years ago
Oh… thanks for letting me know, Release Dry.
I was getting worried…. glad you had a good time at “the Coast” (wink wink nudge nudge) and all is well.
(I guess Marg will be arriving on a separate plane? oh… sorry … shhhh )
percenez about 11 years ago
isn’t he a stickler for saving money? carry ons are free. they will pay $100 to check those!
orbenjawell Premium Member about 11 years ago
1)these ding-dongs aren’t afraid to fly?
2)said d-d’s can AFFORD to fly?
3)don’t let it get tipped over in baggage claim? When pigs, er, FLY!!
4)waitin’ in a loaded cabin whilst other folks unload, worse than struggling through b.c, looking for your stuff to maybeshow up??
Hey, wait, that IS better! I’m getting a vibe from this strips’commentators that Burl & Joy maybe…sorta smell not good.Less time in the cabin, more merciful for the other passengers?
(hey, picture yourself cooped up in there with them for a considerable stretch)
Carol69 about 11 years ago
I was flying to St Louis and asked that one bag be checked through to New York and the other to San Francisco. The attendant told me they could not do that and I said the heck you can’t, you did it last week.
InTraining Premium Member about 11 years ago
No “Find-It” ….. Day 2….. ? ? ?
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago
Dontcha know, the rich and famous are different than thee and me…..