Here. I bought you a soda. I put it in the fridge yesterday so it's good and cold. Here. I'll open it for you. Cheers. Boogersnot! Bwahahaha haha choke! Huhuhuuh gag! Ha ha! Toby! Clean that up! Why do I have to do everything around here?!
shadyguy about 11 years ago
I hate that kid!
sbchamp about 11 years ago
Backfired, it did
ChessPirate about 11 years ago
“Because you do everything around here!”
Sheila Hardie about 11 years ago
I’m surprised he hadn’t shaken it up first.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago
Looks like Toby got busted!
Hunter7 about 11 years ago
Why? The answer is “Z”. That will really xrive him crazy. For two reasons 1) Toby doesn’t know his alphabet that well and 2) because of point #1 – it is going to take him a really really really long time to figure out a different way to phrase that statement.