La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for November 26, 2013

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 11 years ago

    So Lindsay Lohan is a dude?

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    AlnicoV   about 11 years ago

    There have been rumors for years that He’s gay, just he hasn’t gotten caught toe tapping in a airport restroom yet.

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    Swalb%515  about 11 years ago

    His accent, and voice is annoying. Like fingernails on a chalkboard.

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    Pharmakeus Ubik  about 11 years ago

    Huckleberry Closetcase? He’s a fine example of a southern lady, always clutching his pearls.

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    ianrey  about 11 years ago

    Lalo, this is beneath you. So many legitimate, funny ways to criticize Lindsey Graham, and you go with “He’s a girl, nyahh nyahh.” Not good.

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    nonofyourbusiness  about 11 years ago

    Here is what I wrote on the L.A. Times website:

    Look in today’s edition of the L.A. Times in the comic section for the comic strip La Cucaracha. Then tell me that racism against whites is a non-issue. I guess the L.A. Times is as guilty as all the other media outlets of trying to raise ratings on the backs of one ethnic group. I am personally often offended by that comic strip and it basically ruins the whole comics page for me. There is a real double standard going that is very divisive. If the white person in question is a conservative it’s fair game. Yet if a white person criticizes the President or speaks against amnesty, we are racist white people.

    Thanks for adding to division in this world. What ever it takes to make a buck huh?

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    kaffekup   about 11 years ago

    Reagan was a Democrat by the current republican standards. Not that they would claim him, either, what with his administration beginning the destruction of the middle class.

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    Vida.sin.frenos  about 11 years ago

    Como una mariposa dulce.

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