I spent three summers working in Canada and got very proficient at French cooking. I can do Ragout de Bouef, Hachis de Bouef Sale, Sandwich au Buerre d’Arachides, and my breakfast specialty, Capitaine Crouche
For you monolingual Anglophones (aka Americans) that’s beef stew, corned beef hash, peanut butter sandwich and Cap’n Crunch. Love those bilingual labels.
Allen Rymer about 11 years ago
Any McD’s
Linguist about 11 years ago
Je vais avoir un hamburger de boeuf avec fromage et des frites.
pathfinder about 11 years ago
he said … ’I’ll have a cheeseburger with fries.’
dutchs about 11 years ago
I spent three summers working in Canada and got very proficient at French cooking. I can do Ragout de Bouef, Hachis de Bouef Sale, Sandwich au Buerre d’Arachides, and my breakfast specialty, Capitaine Crouche
For you monolingual Anglophones (aka Americans) that’s beef stew, corned beef hash, peanut butter sandwich and Cap’n Crunch. Love those bilingual labels.
danlarios about 11 years ago
theres a place in france where the womwn wear no pants theres a place on mars where the women smoke cigars
Tin Can Twidget about 11 years ago
I have to admit that I have eaten true French food — in France. Uncle Sam paid me to go. Even gave me a special set of clothes.