I bought a roll of 200 LED Christmas lights last week. It was only half a tree, so if it works out I’ll buy another roll and never again have to worry about searching a dead string for that one bad bulb. (Yes, even strings with shorting bulbs sometimes go all dead with one bad one. “When one goes out, they all go out.”)
I’m not a big fan of the LED. Weird colors.I started buying the smallest strands I could, 100 lights for about a buck, I think. If a bulb burns out, I toss the damned strand.
I’ve had bad luck with LED’s, They’re supposed to last forever, but I find every season I have at least one dead string. This year it was two. And last year I bought six new sets (new house, needed more lights) and two of those sets were dead right out of the box. Brought the two dead sets back, got two new ones, got home, and one of those sets was dead. Had to make a third trip to the store. Not a good record for something advertised as long lasting. The worst of it is they were brand-name lights, but of course were also made in China, just like the cheap ones. This year I bought cheap ones for the new garage and have had no problems yet…
All of which is a long way of saying that I can relate to this cartoon. I think by that third trip to the store last year I was ready to bite the steering wheel right off the column of the truck…
Ida No about 11 years ago
Regifted fruitcakes come in a distant second. Distant, distant second.
Ray_C about 11 years ago
I bought a roll of 200 LED Christmas lights last week. It was only half a tree, so if it works out I’ll buy another roll and never again have to worry about searching a dead string for that one bad bulb. (Yes, even strings with shorting bulbs sometimes go all dead with one bad one. “When one goes out, they all go out.”)
rich creator about 11 years ago
I’m not a big fan of the LED. Weird colors.I started buying the smallest strands I could, 100 lights for about a buck, I think. If a bulb burns out, I toss the damned strand.
up2trixx about 11 years ago
I’ve had bad luck with LED’s, They’re supposed to last forever, but I find every season I have at least one dead string. This year it was two. And last year I bought six new sets (new house, needed more lights) and two of those sets were dead right out of the box. Brought the two dead sets back, got two new ones, got home, and one of those sets was dead. Had to make a third trip to the store. Not a good record for something advertised as long lasting. The worst of it is they were brand-name lights, but of course were also made in China, just like the cheap ones. This year I bought cheap ones for the new garage and have had no problems yet…
All of which is a long way of saying that I can relate to this cartoon. I think by that third trip to the store last year I was ready to bite the steering wheel right off the column of the truck…
trekkermint about 11 years ago
i bought an electric menorah, and after the first night two bulbs were burnt out.
Ida No about 11 years ago
Looks like Rich burned out a string on this strip, too. Wonder how long it’ll take to get it lit again.
rich creator about 11 years ago
Whoops! Gave the file the wrong name!
rich creator about 11 years ago
It’ll be up Shortly…Sorry!!