Origins of the Sunday Comics by Peter Maresca for November 24, 2013

  1. Missing large
    Dual  over 11 years ago

    First panel: Mom takes turkey from oven and says “,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,,,.,,”. One of four kids looking on says “-,,,…….. ,.,. ……,,, ,,,,,……” and his friend responds “…,.,., …,,,, ..,.,.,..”

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  2. Myprofile
    Beastre  over 11 years ago

    right there with ya, Dual! I love this feature, but even blown up, it’s hard to read!

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  3. Neo stryder avatar
    Neo Stryder  over 11 years ago

    Fathers should still do that today.

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  4. Missing large
    Peter Maresca Premium Member over 11 years ago

    WIsh there was something to be done about the size, but the site was meant for modern comics. Meanwhile: 1- "Me culinary ambitions is at las realized. “Feller citizens, dere’s someting doin” “Is dere—-well” 2 – “Oh! Let me in on dis too?” “Nah, we don’t want girls in this affair” “Yes, Archie, let her in” “Ain’t Pa easy?” “IS he? Put in this phony-graph” ……. You get the idea….the turkey begins “talking” repeating the recorded words the kids said in the first two panels. In panel 9 the parents administer punishment: “Harder, Pa” “Swatch him” “Let me have a whack at him, Grandma.” At the end: “I wish I could sit down” "So do I " “That little exercise gave me a good appetite” “What’s that Grandpa?” “Soft CIder” And the banged up phonograph next to the tiger-skin rug softly buzzes.

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