It's not fair! Everybody wants tomorrow now! - I'm in no rush at all, and bam. No matter what, there it is! But you try being patient for yesterday to come back... And you get called all sorts of names.
When thinking about the past we seem to forget the bad and dwell on the good things. Here in the present we (at least I do) seem to see mostly the things I would like to change back to the way they were and lose sight of the the good things. Ironically, these will be the “good old days” for our grand children.
Frank is having a ‘moment’. I understand that moment. .Its not so much the want of yesteryear. Its more…why cant we be all young & healthy & stuff with endless money so we can go make our own fun. Like the kids do now..I dont know if we or the world could handle that.
sbchamp about 11 years ago
Kicking and screaming…
Mneedle about 11 years ago
Cars and women were hotter back then.
Allan CB Premium Member about 11 years ago
Mornin’ Bucketeers … the past is gone, tomorrow will come but today is a gift, hence why it’s the present.
Retired Dude about 11 years ago
When thinking about the past we seem to forget the bad and dwell on the good things. Here in the present we (at least I do) seem to see mostly the things I would like to change back to the way they were and lose sight of the the good things. Ironically, these will be the “good old days” for our grand children.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago
I see.
Number Three about 11 years ago
Is it “National Rant Day” for Frank?xxx
dagan about 11 years ago
yesterday, when all my troubles seemed so far away
Hunter7 about 11 years ago
Frank is having a ‘moment’. I understand that moment. .Its not so much the want of yesteryear. Its more…why cant we be all young & healthy & stuff with endless money so we can go make our own fun. Like the kids do now..I dont know if we or the world could handle that.