Drew, so altruistic, and cultured. Lila, not so much.
Pressed olive oil? What kind of new hobby is that?
Gotta love Boyd’s expression in panel 3 :))))
And what did you DO with that olive oil, Drew? Curious (and lewd) minds want to know …
>sigh< she probably bottled it and donated it to a food bank…
Swalb%515 over 11 years ago
Drew, so altruistic, and cultured. Lila, not so much.
paha_siga over 11 years ago
Pressed olive oil? What kind of new hobby is that?
Seiko over 11 years ago
Gotta love Boyd’s expression in panel 3 :))))
karanne over 11 years ago
And what did you DO with that olive oil, Drew? Curious (and lewd) minds want to know …
>sigh< she probably bottled it and donated it to a food bank…